
5 Importance of Date Night in a Marriage: 7 Tips to Make It Happen

The importance of date night in a marriage cannot be overemphasised. Among other elements of a successful marriage, date night is the most ignored and overlooked by couples, especially those who have been married for a while.

Many couples believe that marriage is the end of dating whereas the opposite is the truth. Once married, many couples simply forget to date each other, to flirt with one another, and nurture the bond that brought them together in the first place.

Many married couples have not been on a date in a long time, the highest percentage could not even remember the last time they had one. They’re of the opinion that marriage killing dating is a natural phenomenon. So, they tend to forget the importance of date night in marriage and lack the time to spend in the company of one another.


Why No Date Night In A Marriage?

There are many reasons for no date night in a marriage. Numerous factors can stand to hinder couples from having regular date nights in their marriage. Almost always, children, careers, and various other responsibilities get in the way of romance in a marriage.

No matter your reasons for not having a date night in your marriage, it is important not to let those reasons become more important than the relationship itself unless you actually want it to become stale.

You don’t necessarily need to have time to make reservations at a fancy restaurant on a weekly basis to have a good date night. Calling it a date night doesn’t mean it has to be a nightly event. A date night can be as simple as watching a movie at home with popcorn or seeing a movie together.

Getting the idea? Well, a date night doesn’t have to be like the “normal” dates at all.

You have to understand that the purpose of date night obviously is to spend quality time with each other and for that, you need to understand the importance of date night in a marriage.


Why Is Date Night Important In A Marriage?

What is the importance of date night in a marriage? There are several reasons to highlight the importance of date night in a relationship even if the couple is married for a while.


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1. Staying Committed To One Another And To The Relationship

The first importance of date night in a marriage is that it helps you to stay committed in your relationship. There’s a big difference between liking being married and doing the tough work to preserve a relationship.

Being committed to your marriage means doing what it takes to make the relationship successful and merely having a date night every now and then is one of such things.

Simply having a date night when you spend your time just with your partner strengthens the bond and maintains it over time.

Having date night on a regular basis will help you and your partner stay committed to your relationship.


2. Building Your Communication

A date night is an opportunity to have quality communication with your partner. This is another importance of date night in a marriage. Regular date night with your partner allows you to have unhindered communication between the two of you.

After marriage, different responsibilities began to emerge that make it tough for couples to have any spare time to sit down and have a decent conversation. But date nights bring you together as couples together where they can leave behind the worries and enjoy each other’s company.

3. Rekindle The Lost Romance

Though dating and courtship might look like things for singles they’re very important in a marriage as well.

There are added responsibilities and an incredible amount of stress that piles up each day once you get married and become parents.

We all know that stress brings out the worst in everyone. Often, such stress impairs the peace and harmony you both once shared. So, having date nights regularly give you that opportunity to overlook the stress and try concentrating on the good things about your marriage instead of the negative ones.

When on a date night, your partner serves as a constant reminder of your lost romance and the reasons why you both fell in love in the first place.

Date night helps you to remember what life was like before marriage and kids happened.

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You need to understand the importance of date night before stress ruins your every chance at a happy, peaceful marriage.


4. Relax And Enjoy The Feeling Of Togetherness

Regular date night gives you the opportunity to break free from responsibilities, household chores, and all the stress that comes with becoming parents, to have fun and relax with your partner.

The importance of date night in a marriage cannot be underestimated because it helps you to relax and enjoy the feeling of togetherness with your partner.

Loving your kids and enjoying family time together is one of the best ways to build a good family relationship. Yet, there are times when you feel you want to sit back and take a complete break from everything. Date night makes it possible for you to take a step back from your responsibilities

A great film, some popcorn and your partner by your side is all you need and your romantic date night plan is made.


5. Set An Example

In conclusion, another importance of date night in a marriage is that it can help you build a legacy. Your kids learn from you and emulate you when they grow up.

planning date nights with your partner Regularly is a way of setting a good example for your children. You are indirectly instructing them to value relationships and do whatever it takes to nurture healthy relationships. From your actions, your children will know that relationships are essential and, this will be beneficial to them in the future. As they’ve already will learn from you to prioritize their relationships with their partners.

So, have date nights regularly!


Interesting Date Night Ideas

Since the importance of date night in a marriage is been made clear to you already, so, now is the time to understand some of the exciting date night ideas for you and your partner.

As a couple, you need to understand the importance of date night in marriage first and then brainstorm for some date night ideas. Write down every suggestion and put the mutually chosen ones in a bowl.

To make it more fun-filled, try to have a weekly drawing or monthly drawing and make the date night idea a reality.

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Here are some interesting date night ideas that good for the suggestions bowl –

Turn it To Date Morning: Date In the morning. Go for pancakes at a restaurant you have never visited.

Laugh Together: Attend a comedy show. With busy lives, we forget to laugh.

Drive Out of Town: Drive one hour out of town and stop at the first restaurant for dessert and ask the waiter what else is there to do in town.

Fake A Vacation: Reserve a room at a local bed and breakfast and pretend you’re on vacation.

Go To The Nature: Plan a picnic and visit the nearest state park on a weekday.

Give Your Body A Treat: Schedule a couple’s massage at a local spa.

Date In The Kitchen: Sign up for a cooking class together.

Shop Together: Visit the farmers market with a recipe in mind to make for dinner.

Bring The Games On: Play a new couple’s board game; the loser must be at the other’s beck and call for the night.

Go Get Inspiration: Visit the local winery and brainstorm ideas to fill up the date night bowl again!


Change it up often and be helpful and positive for one another.


Tips To Have Great Date Nights

When you have a date night, you should turn your phones off and put them away so you are free of distractions.


Wrap It Up!

A romantic and thoughtful date night is not just one of the steps to a successful marriage but indeed one of the main ingredients of a successful marriage as well.


It is important to schedule this monthly if not weekly to maintain accountability and establish a pattern of importance regarding date night.


Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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