
15 Best Tips For Making A Long-Distance Relationship Work

You probably don’t want to end things with someone you love and connect with just because you don’t live together. Even if you only see someone a few times a month (or even a year), you can still have a happy, healthy connection with them.

Even still, maintaining a long-distance relationship requires effort, and you must take measures to ensure that you and your partner still feel connected even though you are not physically present.

Keeping in touch and involving each other in daily feelings and situations is powerful to keep a feeling of intimacy flowing.

Tips for Making a Long Distance Relationship Work

If you’ve been searching for tips for making a long-distance relationship work, then your search ends here and you need not look elsewhere. In this article, I am going to share with you the best tips for making a long-distance relationship work.

A woman in a long-distance relationship on phone

1. Take The Phone

Keeping in touch is crucial in making a long-distance relationship work. Since so much information can be lost in translation when communicating via text, talking on the phone and Face Timing is the best options. Avoid falling into the trap of using texts exclusively throughout your hectic day instead of picking up the phone. Make time for lengthy discussions where you can both hear one other’s voices and see each other’s faces.

Making long-distance relationship work through communication

2. Talk Both During The Day And At Night.

It’s also crucial to check in in the mornings and the nights before bed. In this manner, you get a sense of connection at the start and conclusion of each day. You will feel like a part of each other’s days even though you are not physically present with each other in this way.

Because you would typically be alone together in the mornings and evenings, these can also be the times of the day in a long-distance relationship when you feel the most lonely. Additionally, many emotional issues can arise for us in a single day, so having those check-ins can be comforting. The strength of the partnership is indeed demonstrated by having that emotional support.


3. Meet Frequently in Person

As frequently as you can, see each other. I know that depending on the distance, it could seem difficult, but it’s crucial. The aim is to meet up in person at least once every three months. If you can arrange to visit each other once a month, that would be ideal.

4. Always Plan A Face-To-Face Outing

It’s crucial to always be aware of when you will next meet in person. Knowing the exact day, you will see each other again will give you both something to look forward to at all times. Knowing exactly how long you have until the next meeting will help you when times are tough.


5. Visit One Another Where You Both Reside

It can be tempting to arrange wonderful, exciting vacations to visit each other when you’re in a long-distance relationship. Alternatively, it can seem sensible to meet halfway between the two places you call home. However, you also pay each other a visit where you both reside. To better understand how each other’s daily lives are managed, make journeys to visit each other where you both reside.


6. Examine Each Other’s Emotions

Show your concern and willingness to be there through it all. Ask something like, “How can I help you?” What do you most urgently require from me at this time? What mood are you in? These questions enable the individual who is feeling disassociated to consider and express what is truly at the core of their feelings and thoughts. It demonstrates concern for the person asking and clarifies what is most important for them to reestablish connection and affection.


7. Plan Emergencies Visits

It can be crucial to plan a visit to see each other if one partner is feeling distant or lonely. It’s time to visit each other as soon as possible if one individual is feeling distant.


8. Surprise One Another With Gifts

It’s crucial to express your thoughts in original ways when you aren’t physically present with each other. Get flowers delivered to her if you know she would enjoy them. Get food brought to them as if you were there taking care of them if you know he is feeling under the weather.

Sexting in long-distance relationship

9. Do Not Resist Sexting

Sending sexual texts, or sexting, may seem like something that only young, newlywed couples do, but it may be a terrific way to keep the romance alive. It’s crucial to choose a time when you can both participate in these activities.

For instance, don’t sext someone who is anxiously getting ready for a big meeting at work.

FaceTime help strengthen long-distance relationship

10. Get Serious about Facetime

Set aside some time for romance as a pair, even if it’s only virtual. You can FaceTime and get intimate that way, so you are both connected with one other to keep that attraction alive.


11. Talk About It If Anything Seems Off

If something has changed in the relationship, it’s crucial to start wondering if you two are on the same page and have the difficult conversation of whether it’s time to let the relationship go. Ask what is different and what has changed. If you think there might be someone else, inquire about them as well. Embrace your gut feeling.


12. Put Each Other First.

Long-distance relationships require effort, so it’s crucial that both partners are making time for one another a priority. When one person stops choosing the other, marriage is no longer worthwhile. It’s crucial to work through that if someone starts to remove themselves, refuses to commit to plans, or begins to withdraw. It’s essential that both parties have a sense of priority in whatever methods they find satisfying.


13. Self-Reflect

It’s also incredibly crucial that each person in the relationship is conscious of what they need most or what makes the relationship feel good when particular words, events, or acts take place.

To put it another way, it’s critical to understand oneself in order to communicate to a partner what is important to you and what you require for this relationship to work. You can’t just give the other person all your happiness without providing them with a guide to your heart.


14. Consider The Good

A long-distance relationship has a lot of advantages. Because you aren’t constantly together, the lovely thing about long-distance relationships is that you won’t take each other for granted. It can seem new and refreshing to see and be with someone. When you’re feeling down, lonely, or frustrated, keep in mind that long-distance relationships have certain advantages over those shared-location relationships.


15. Keep In Mind The Moments

Whatever method you use to connect; it can be effective. For instance, a FaceTime conversation can be just as significant as a date night because the other person is physically present. Try to be present at the moment no matter how you are coming together. When you’re in a long-distance relationship, you value and enjoy every moment a lot more. Whether you are connecting in person or digitally, that is true.

Watch this video to learn more tips for making a long-distance relationship work:

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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