Romance In Marriage

18 Sexy Ways to Flirt With Your Husband

Flirting with your partner keeps romance, passion and desire thriving in a relationship.

Flirting is one of the best ways to keep the spark in your relationship alive.  It’s saddening that some people believe that marriage can survive on its own and so they feel complacent and watch the romance in the relationship withers.

Getting married is not the end of the game but the start of something new and an excitement-filled chapter. Some women feel smug once married and see no need to work on keeping romance alive in the marriage.

Being in a passionless relationship is terrible – in many cases, everyday life becomes a routine and loneliness and unsatisfaction then gradually creeps in. This is why you should have enough knowledge on how to flirt with your husband.

It is not ideal to wait until things are getting out of hand in your marriage before you start looking for ways to flirt with your husband.

Nevertheless, having said all, how can you continue to flirt with your husband? Well, the answer is not far-fetched; just stick around and continue reading this article.

But, with all things said and done, how exactly can you continue flirting with your husband? To know the answer, continue reading this article.

Do You Still Flirt With Your Husband?

Some wives are intentional about keeping the romance alive in their marriage and so never stop flirting with their husband even after being married for a while.

This is a walk in the park for women who are already used to it or had been part of their relationship before marriage.

However, many wives do not flirt with their husbands not because they don’t love them anymore but because they are busy taking care of the whole family.

Most of their time is spent balancing their career, taking care of house chores, raising children, and being wives. As a result, they see flirting as a superfluous activity and thus going the extra mile to flirt with their husband is challenging.


Why Is It Necessary To Flirt With Your Husband?

Flirting with your husband might sound like it’s a superfluous chore. However, it is necessary to keep the fire in your relationship burning. Think of it as a way to romance your husband.

In addition, flirting with your husband intentionally is fun and does not require a great deal of effort or a long period of time.

Really, you can send flirty texts to your husband.

Usually, this takes only about 30 seconds, but it can bring back sweet memories of your dating era.

Knowing how to flirt with your husband will make him feel like you both are back to being girlfriend and boyfriend again which is a good relief from all the pressure surrounding marriage and life.


20 Ways to flirt with your husband

Still, wondering about how to flirt with your husband or ways to flirt with your husband? What exactly are the ways to flirt with your husband and turn him on? Here are some tips to show love to your husband.


1. Play A Love Song While In The Car

A long car ride can be rather boring, but you can turn it into an opportunity to flirt with your husband. Playing a love song while in the car is the perfect way to do this. To upsurge the effectiveness of this tip, play a song that is sentimental to both of you.

Try to sing along with it and touch your husband affectionately during the chorus. Just make sure none of you get distracted too much for safety on the road.


2. Give Him A Flirty Note

Using flirty notes is another great way to flirt with your husband. It doesn’t take much and it can be very effective in getting your man in the mood if done properly.

There are many opportunities to flirt with your husband using flirty notes. You can leave a flirty note on top of his packed launch if you make packed lunch for him. In that case, when he sees it before eating, he’ll definitely feel recharged after a busy morning.

Likewise, you can put flirty notes in his jacket’s pocket, laptop, notebook, or somewhere he least expects it to be.


 3. Ask Him On A Date

Spending qualities time together as a couple can easily become an aberration especially if you have been in marriage for a while. Busy schedules and responsibilities piling up have forced many men to forget how important it is for them to spend quality time with one another.

Instead of waiting for him to take you on a date night, why not turn this into an opportunity to flirt with him by asking him on a date once in a while. This will help you fix the no quality time issue and can as well boost intimacy between you.

The date does not need to be extravagant and grand. You can have a movie date at home or eat at your favourite family restaurant. What’s important is that you enjoy each other’s company.

4. Express Your Love Out Of Nowhere

Want to flirt with your husband? Well, try to express your love for him out of the blue.

Expressing your love when your husband least expects it is one of the most effective ways of flirting. You can tell him how much you love him while watching TV on Saturdays or before he leaves for work.


5. Send A Selfie

A picture holds a thousand words, so they say. That can very true about sexy selfies.

Send one to your husband while he is away. Or, you can even consider sending it while the two of you are in the same room.

To flirt with your husband effectively, use a selfie that shows your beautiful smile or a seductive look. You can also try to be a little naughty with it if you want.


6. Be A Little Touchy

when you are flirting or trying to flirt with your husband, employing the sense of touch is a very effective tactic.

Caress his thighs while you are watching TV, massage or rub his shoulders if you see him working at home or you can as well cuddle him when he’s sitting for a long time.


7. Use Flirty And Suggestive Emoji

Using flirty and suggestive emojis is a tangible way of flirting. In this day and age, you can flirt with your husband through text without using words.

The use of emojis in conveying ideas is becoming popular by the day. You can key into the trend.

For example, you can send him a plantain/banana emoji along with two eggs emoji or a tongue-out emoji and an eggplant. He will definitely get what you mean by this.

For best result, do this is when he is away in the office or somewhere far. This will no doubt get him very excited to go home the minute possible.


8. Rub His Foot And Legs Under The Table

This is a sort of teenager’s thing, but doing it with your husband doesn’t hurt especially when it brings fun into your relationship.

Even if you’ve been married for a long time, look beyond your age and think of you both as teenagers.

sound like what teenagers do, but it’s something that you can do with your husband even when you are married.

For even more excitement, try this when other people are around.  Be discreet about it and be sure that it’s your husband’s foot and legs that you are rubbing.


9. Whisper Something Sweet

As I have said earlier, flirting with your husband is not a difficult task. It’s all about doing what you’ve been doing differently.

For instance, you can whisper instead of saying something the way you normally do. Whispering changes how your husband perceives your words – and this can truly turn him on if you whisper sweet things to him.

Whispering sweet things to your husband are very flirty and also one of the best ways to get him in the mood.

Thinking of what to whisper to your husband? Try some of the few lines below and come up with a few of your as well:

  • You smell nice right now.
  • You look so sexy today.
  • I want you.

10. Steal A Kiss

Many a kiss among couples has lost its effectiveness. The reason is not far-fetched; a kiss before leaving the house or before sleeping is already expected and it has become more or less a tradition among couples.

Almost always, these kisses are not considered special because they are already part of a routine.

However, you can break the cycle by giving your husband unexpected kisses here and there. Give him a peck when you pass by him or when he just came out of the shower. You can also kiss him when you’re out on a stroll at the park or walking at the mall.


11. Flash Him

You might think that he is not interested in your body anymore since he has seen it all. But, being a little daring once in a while by flashing him will definitely awaken his manly senses. However, make sure to be discreet about this.

You wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the law or be exposed to strangers. Besides, secrecy is part of what makes it an exciting way to flirt.


12. Compliment Him

A compliment a day keeps the divorce attorney away. Though a lot of people are aware of how powerful giving compliments can be in a relationship yet they are oblivious of the fact that giving compliments can serve as a way to flirt with their partner.

You can spice it up with your husband by complimenting a part of his body and being specific about it. Here is an opportunity to be a little naughty if you want to get more out of it.

Here are some compliments that you might want to consider:

  • Your butt is sexy (you can even give him a gentle tap on the butt if you want)
  • Your shoulders are very many
  • Your jawline can cut butter

These might sound cheesy, but that’s what makes them unexpected.


13. Get Some New Lingerie

This one will not only boost flirting with your husband but will definitely spice up your and your husband’s sexual life. Sexy lingerie is one of the things that quickly drive men crazy. You can make it clear by buying new sexy lingerie or drop subtle hints and allow him to discover.

14. Give Him A Gift

Generosity is one of the most overlooked marriages and relationship dynamics. Giving a gift every now and then strengthens a relationship. Whether you’ve been doing this or not, giving a gift is a great opportunity for you to flirt with your husband.

To make this more effective, be sure to give him something special or personalized. This will make him feel loved and appreciated.


15. Play “Strip” Anything

If you want to have some mental stimulation with your partner while keeping it sexy, then playing “strip” anything is a perfect option. You can use any board game for this and simply add “strip.” A good example is Strip Scrabble.

For this, you can set a rule of stripping an item of clothing for every worth, that’s word 20-30 points, etc.

16. Do The Just Kidding Game

The just kidding game can be a fun way to flirt with your husband. You can easily catch him off guard with it.

For example, you are on a dinner date. You can say that you are not wearing any underwear, then say “just kidding” once he gets surprised.

17. Pretend You’re Both Strangers

Have you heard of role-playing? Well, this tip is more like it but it’s surely something that both of you will find exciting. The idea is that you both will pretend to be strangers and meet up somewhere cool like a bar or a restaurant.

However, you have to keep the pretence. You will need to act as if you don’t know each other then proceed to enjoy each other’s company as if it’s the first time you’ve met.


18. Grab Some Drinks

Looking for ways to flirt with your husband, then why not grab a couple of drinks? A bottle of wine to share with him is ideal or you can tell your husband to go out and grab a couple of drinks you can share with him at home.

This will get you some ‘together time’ and as well help loosen up the both of you, and you’ll find that the more you drink, the more natural flirting will feel.


Benefits Of Flirting With Your Husband

It is essential to understand how to flirt with your husband and it’s equally significant to know the rewards that come with flirting with your husband too.

Below I’ve itemized some of the benefits you get from flirting with your husband:

Some benefits of flirting with your husband: 

  • It’s fun
  • Deepens emotional intimacy
  • Maintains your connection as a couple
  • Increases the sex quotient 
  • It adds excitement to your relationship
  • Improves communication 
  • Saves the partners from relationship rut
  • Keeps the excitement and surprise level high
  • Enhances self-esteem and confidence
  • Adds to the positive energy in the relationship
  • Reduces relationship stress


How Do I Flirt With My Husband Over Text When He Is Away?

The best time to flirt with your husband through text is when he is away. And, there are many ways to go about it.

The most straightforward way is to send him flirty texts. You will find a few text ideas below:

  • I miss you. Come home soon!
  • I can’t wait to feel your gentle touch on my body once more
  • How did I get so lucky to marry a man like you?
  • I want all of you… right now.
  • The kids are missing you, and so do I.
  • I miss your touch.
  • Please come home early.
  • Nothing will please me more right now than to cuddle with you

For more effect, try to send him a picture along with the text. The picture could be you with a big smile or something sultry and naughty. Once he reads the text, he will definitely have a smile on his face and his heart beating for home.


Wrap It Up!

Contrary to popular belief, flirting with your husband does not take much effort, and you will definitely enjoy it too. Flirting is one of the best ways to excite your husband and keep intimacy alive in your marriage.

If you want to maintain your loving and harmonious marital affair, then keep flirting with your husband. Be positive and intentional about it and your marriage is sure to thrive.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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