9 Subtle Differences Between a Confident And An Arrogant Man
A confident and an arrogant man; what makes the difference in dating this guy’s?
There is no doubting the fact that women find confidence to be one of the cutest qualities in guys. While a man’s confidence may make you feel attracted to him, it may also make you loathe him.
A man becomes arrogant when he exhibits excessive confidence.
Many people mistake confidence for arrogance, but there is a tiny line that divides a confident man from an arrogant man—the man you should date and the man you should avoid.
What Are The Differences Between A Confident Man And An Arrogant Man?
There is a difference between being confident and being arrogant, it is true. A lot of individuals think that the two features are inextricably linked, that is, that one trait cannot exist without the other.
While “confident” is defined as “having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something,” the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “arrogant” as “having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people.”
Twenty girlfriends participated in a study asking about their top five favourite and least favourite characteristics in men. The survey’s findings reveal an odd pattern.
Arrogance was ranked as one of the top 5 attributes that every participant detested, whereas “confidence” was listed as one of their top 5 favourite traits.
What conclusions may we draw based on these results? We can therefore conclude that there is unquestionably a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and hence, a fine line between being loved and despised.
How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Confident Man And An Arrogant Man?
Here are 9 clues that can help you figure out whether your man is arrogant or confident if you are new to the dating scene or if you simply feel that you need to pay more attention to the cues that your partner is giving off.
1. Modesty
You need to be on the lookout for modesty in your man. A quality you’ll never see in haughty men is modesty. Men with arrogance tend to boast by nature. They frequently take pride in their accomplishments and like blowing their own trumpet.
Men with arrogance never credit others as contributing to their achievements. They constantly credit their skills for their accomplishment and will go out of their way to brag about how great they are.
Additionally, arrogant men enjoy bragging incessantly and carry the price tag of everything with them. They frequently utter phrases like, “Oh, my $2,000 shoe,” or “That watch cost me $5,000.”
Conversely, when they engage you in conversation about their successful undertakings, confident men will acknowledge the contributions of others. Confident men frequently say things like, “Even though I gave it my all, I could never have done this without the help and sacrifice of my team members.” Or, “It required a lot of effort on my part, but I never would have succeeded without the help of my mentor.”
2. How He Treats Other People.
How well-mannered a man is is another distinction between a confident and an arrogant one. While confident guys never forget their manners, arrogant men have a tendency to be obnoxious and impolite.
Always keep an eye out for how he handles other people. You should pay great attention to this crucial area.
It is vital to understand that this refers to how he treats regular people, such as waiters, housekeepers, lawnmowers, cab drivers, parking lot operators, store attendants, and so on, rather than how he treats his employer or more successful friends and colleagues.
Always keep in mind that a guy should be evaluated on how he treats people who he believes are beneath him rather than how he treats his peers.
3. Acknowledging His Limits
Every guy has a valley of weakness and a mountain of power.
Another way to tell a confident man from an arrogant one is that the former always knows and admits his limitations, even when they are being observed by others.
A confident man, for instance, isn’t scared to ask the waiter for assistance if you’re out on a date at a pretentious French restaurant where the menu has a number of items listed in French.
On the other hand, an arrogant man will undoubtedly act as though he understands every item, even if he doesn’t speak a word of French.
Instead of recognizing that he has limitations and shortcomings, he would like to give the world the idea that he is all-knowing and faultless.
4. Keeping Eyes Contact.
Another smart technique to tell a confident man from an arrogant man is to maintain good eye contact. If you’re wondering what eye contact has to do with whether a man is confident or arrogant, don’t worry too much—I’ll show you.
A man who is confident will have no trouble keeping you in eye contact throughout the talk. He will certainly give you his whole attention and encourage you to express yourself.
A man who is arrogant will, on the other hand, likely have a shiftier gaze. Arrogant persons will not focus on the person they are speaking to, or more accurately, the person they believe will benefit them more, whether the other person is looking at them from behind, next to, or around them.
5. His Whole Attitude.
The way your boyfriend acts, in general, will show whether he is confident or arrogant.
A man with arrogance will probably come across as superior to everyone else. His arrogance will be pervasive, detrimental, and difficult to overlook, from the way he flaunts his luxury car to the way he flaunts his sparkling watch.
On the other side, a confident man will have a more sensible and respectable demeanour. He might have a pricey watch and a fancy car, but he won’t tell you about them.
6. Willingness To Learn.
An arrogant man would rather toil away to convince others that he is an expert when in reality he is not. A confident man will put in endless effort to master a skill.
He will make a deliberate attempt to make it happen even though he is not ashamed to confess that he cannot. Although he hasn’t arrived yet, he is confident that he will eventually learn all he needs to know.
7. Act Rather Than Just Say.
When a man’s words are more important than his deeds, you will know you are dating an arrogant man.
For instance, you can casually state that you want to test the job market and are looking to change careers. He will promise to set you up and will not be ashamed to brag about his connections to CEOs, managers, headhunters, and shareholders.
He won’t likely keep his word unless it directly benefits him, either because he can’t or isn’t interested in doing so.
When it comes to a confident man, actions speak louder than words, and there is a very high likelihood that he will keep any promises or statements he makes to you.
8. What He Said And How He Said It.
Arrogant men can be distinguished from confident men by what they say and how they say it. People who are arrogant somehow maintain the illusion that they are infallible.
They say things with such conviction that you begin to doubt yourself, even if you know they are complete nonsense.
Men with arrogance often speak to others in a patronizing manner and aren’t afraid to correct or disparage others, even if it means making them feel terribly embarrassed.
On the other hand, confident men respect other people’s thoughts and perspectives and are likely to respect opposing views and ideas because it provides them with the chance to develop.
9. Social Connections.
Your man will reveal a lot about himself by how he acts in social circumstances. If a person is arrogant, they will probably put others down, disgrace them, ignore them, or mock their opinions.
He probably won’t have many friends, but a lot of acquaintances.
Conversely, those who exude confidence draw others to them like moths to a flame. They are typically well-liked by many people due to their propensity to encourage others and their joy at seeing others succeed.
When there are others who are performing better than they are, they don’t feel threatened.
Wrap It Up!
Don’t dismiss someone simply because they are arrogant, in the end. They may be acting in such a way due to their upbringing or as a result of them trying to make up for something they lack.
Be as patient with this person as you can, especially if you love them, and be honest in telling them that their haughtiness can be annoying.
Even though confidence and arrogance can seem similar, you can identify the difference by looking for these symptoms.
Once you do, you’ll be able to tell if the guy you’re with is just there to brag about himself or if he truly believes in his own abilities.