
4 Types of Compatibility in Relationships

How Many Types Of Compatibility In Relationships Are There?

Compatibility between the partners is a crucial component of every relationship. Issues of compatibility can create or destroy relationships, starting with the courting phase and continuing into marriage. When debating whether to maintain relationships or end them, the phrase “compatible” is frequently used. But what is relationship compatibility exactly? How many different types of compatibility exist? Are all sorts required to keep a relationship going?

Compatibility in relationship

Types of Compatibility in Relationships

Here are the four main types of compatibility in relationships, all of which are essential for a strong romantic relationship. The fourth type of compatibility in relationships, on the other hand, is the one that actually cements relationships for the long term – it is the everlasting factor that keeps couples together even when their looks and interests change. The first three types of compatibility in relationships are, however, prone to change.


1. Physical Compatibility

Physical compatibility and attractiveness to one another are essential for a relationship to start and last, despite how trivial they may sound. Your companion must arouse your interest rather than make you feel repelled. Physical compatibility is unquestionably based on an individual’s subjective set of preferences because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But it still plays a crucial role in a relationship.


2. Emotional Compatibility

Even if you are physically attracted to someone, a relationship cannot last if there is no emotional compatibility. People frequently appear attractive on paper or in person, but when you meet them and speak to them, there is no “click”; instead, nothing feels right. A sense of mutuality, trust, and emotional nurturing are essential components of any healthy relationship.


3. Intellectual Compatibility

A pair of people who respect each other’s intelligence is said to be intellectually compatible. They exchange ideas and/or have similar intellectual interests, which both inspire them. They respect one another’s ideas and opinions. Their conversations are interesting to one another.


4. Eternal Compatibility: The Shared Vision

Without minimizing the significance of the first three types of compatibility in relationships, there is a fourth type of compatibility that gives a relationship extra energy and takes it to a higher plane, making it an eternal union.

Spiritual compatibility is the term for it: Two individuals who are united by a vision and a mission that transcends their own needs and the regular changes in their way of life. What lofty vision do we have in terms of how we want to contribute to the greater good, they ponder. What kind of impact do we want to have on the world? What kind of house do we want to construct jointly? How do we want to bring up our kids, and how do we want them to influence the society they will live in as adults? What mood do you want to evoke in individuals when they enter your environment? What kind of legacy do you leave?

This fourth compatibility type lasts a lifetime and beyond, in contrast to the other three types of compatibility in relationships, which are all subject to change (due to age, changes in our needs and interests, and maturity).

Compatibility between couple

Wrap It Up!

We’ve shared with you the breakdown of the four types of compatibility in relationships and we are sure you’ve understood each one and the significance of each type of relationship compatibility.

For emphasis, it is important to remind you that eternal compatibility is the best type of compatibility in relationships but not to downgrade the significance of the other three types of compatibility in relationships.

A person’s vision remains constant regardless of the physical, emotional, or intellectual changes they experience in life. Your vision and mission may manifest in a variety of ways. You remain the same in terms of your core identity, purpose, and goals. Your basic calling and your primary talents remain the same, but you learn new ways to carry out your life’s purpose. When two people connect on that level, their connection has the potential to develop over time.

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The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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