
8 Tips for Building Intimacy in Marriage for Newlyweds

Being married to your best friend is wonderful, but when you feel more like friends than lovers, that’s when things can start to unravel. All soon-to-be couples hope to have a lasting and fulfilling marriage. It’s easy to get caught up in the romance of it all when the flame of love is burning high and believe that your love will conquer all, but that hope can be short-lived.

Love is important – it is the foundation upon which all healthy relationships are built, nonetheless, it’s at no time going to be sufficient to keep your marriage on track for years to come.

Creating intimacy in marriage or building intimacy in marriage is the key to a happy and satisfying union and contrary to popular belief; intimacy is about more than what happens in the bedroom.

Sure, sex is important, but building intimacy in marriage has much to do with what happens outside the bedroom and in your day-to-day together. Now let’s find out how to build intimacy in marriage

How to build intimacy in marriage for newlyweds

Building intimacy in marriage and keeping it

If you are kin to experience that happily ever after by learning how to go about building intimacy in marriage and keeping it. You’ve landed on the right page.

In today’s post, we will share some intimacy-building tips with you. The following intimacy tips or intimacy in marriage tips can help you do just that, giving you a great start and helping you keep the intimacy in your marriage for years to come.

Therefore, if you are searching for tips for building intimacy in marriage for newlyweds or just advice on intimacy in marriage for newlyweds you have come to the right place.


1. Say ‘I Love You’ Creatively To Build Intimacy

The very first tip for building intimacy in marriage for newlyweds is to find creative ways to say ‘I love you.’ Saying I love you to your spouse often helps build intimacy in your marriage.

Intimacy issues ensue in marriages especially for newlyweds because the couple stops being creative in saying ‘I love you.’

Over time, you and your spouse get engrossed in the same boring intimacy routines and forget to go the extra mile to surprise your spouse. Surprises bring fun and excitement into a marriage which nurtures intimacy and also prevents boredom from setting into the marriage.

Of course, who doesn’t like surprises? A little surprise now and then will go a long way to spark things up in your relationship and eliminate boredom. One of the best pieces of advice on marriage for newlyweds is to not get caught up in the routine and to find creative ways to confess their love for their partner.

Whisper it in their ear, inscribe it on a sticky note or write it in lipstick on the mirror. No matter how you say it, the effect will be the same. We all want to be loved and nothing can make a person feel better than knowing that they are loved.


2. Flirt To Build Intimacy In Marriage

Flirting is something we do a lot when dating and stop once married. Don’t stop flirting – keep the fun alive in your marriage. Flirting is fun and can make you both feel good. The person doing the flirting feels sexy, and the person being flirted with feels attractive and wanted, for an instant rush of excitement.

Here are some intimate tips for couples to be more flirtatious around their partner: Wear what they like, try to grab their attention, write them a sexy note or a naughty letter, and touch them more often. Try to be more open, free, and organic.

Also Read: 18 Cool Ways to Flirt With Your Husband

How newlyweds can build intimacy in marriage

3. Do Things For Each Other

Another tip for building intimacy in marriage for newlyweds is doing things for each other. Although a massage or romantic dinner is certainly appreciated, things as little as doing the dishes; cleaning their car or taking the kids to school (if you have any) can go a long way. By doing something for the other person, you show that you care and have their back. You both should be bold and proud to say – I got your back! And, that’s what marriage is all about!

Such acts of absolute commitment and love will always make your spouse realize how lucky they are to have you in their lives.


4. Create Moments Just For The Two Of You

Creating a moment just for the two of you is a great way to create intimacy in marriage or build intimacy in marriage. A moment – just for the two of us – is a moment for couples to focus all their attention on each other. It’s a moment to shut the world out and rekindle love and affection.

It gives you time to unwind and do some catching-ups on each other lives. Spending quality time together helps grow the level of intimacy in a relationship.

Also Read: The Importance of Date Night in a Marriage and Tips to Make It Happen

Tips To Build intimacy in marriage

5. Have An Adventure Together

Another great way to build intimacy in a marriage is to have adventures together regularly. It’s exciting to go on an adventure with your partner. It doesn’t have to be something exotic though; Runoff for a weekend or even a picnic for a couple of hours just for the two of you can create an amazing experience and be the start of something new in your relationship. It can be exploring a new town or trying a new activity together. Time spent doing something different gives you a shared experience and a heightened sense of excitement.

A sudden adrenaline rush is just what your marriage might need to revamp intimacy in your lives.


6. Talk About Your Dreams And Goals

For newlyweds, sharing goals and dreams is another way to build intimacy in marriage. Sharing your dreams, hopes and aspirations with your spouse inspire them to do the same which is great for building intimacy in marriage for newlyweds.

Talk to your spouse regularly about shared goals, like buying a new car or acquiring a new house. Or, your personal goals like getting a professional certificate. Doing this does not only grow intimacy among you but also inspires you two to live fulfilling lives.

A fundamental aspect of a newly married romance is talking about your goals and dreams with your spouse. This is an essential action you need to make sure that you do not lose in your marriage, as this will always help you find your way back to each other.


7. Have A Ritual That’s Just For The Two Of You

An alternative tip for building intimacy in a marriage for newlyweds is to have a ritual meant just for the two of you. A ritual is any activity you both will always do as agreed upon no matter how frenzied your schedule gets.

It can be watching a movie together every Saturday night or having dinner at your favourite restaurant on Sunday evenings. Making a special ritual together grows intimacy between you and gives you something special to anticipate no matter how challenging life can get.

Do not worry if it isn’t unique or it might be something unoriginal, as long as both of you can enjoy it together it will work just fine.


8. Date Your Spouse

One of the major complaints from married people is that they don’t feel the same connection with their partner that they did when they were dating. Marriage offers the opportunity to build a whole other kind of intimacy that comes from committing to being together till death do you part.

This doesn’t have to replace the connection you had before you said I do, though. Don’t lose sight of the person they fell in love with or the person you fell in love with. Continue to bond over new experiences and have fun together even when life’s responsibilities come into play.

We all want to get married to put an end to dating. The mistake that most couples made that creates intimacy problems in marriage is that they translate marriage as saying goodbye to dating.

While the transition from being single to being married is exciting and fulfilling yet, it doesn’t mean having to stop enjoying the dating fun and romantic experiences with your spouse.

Make the time to do things that you enjoyed doing together before marriage to avoid falling into a rut and losing that spark and connection that led you to marry in the first place.

Make each other feel like the way you did when you first met each other, it won’t be easy and not nearly exciting but the idea is always to keep reaching and trying to find something that helps you escape to a world of your own.


Wrap it up!

Building intimacy in marriage or creating intimacy in marriage is very vital to the success of any marriage and it is an issue that every couple should be proactive about. Yet, unfortunately, a lot of married people place intimacy in their marriage on the back burner thinking it’s no big deal; until the foundation of the relationship got rotten and they found themselves sitting in the counsellor’s office a few years into the marriage.

I hope that the tips on building intimacy in marriage shared in this article will help you build a strong marriage. I wish you the best in your relationship.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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