Dating Tips For Men

10 Clear Signs She’s Only Being Friendly And Doesn’t Want To Go On A Date

knowing whether a girl wants to date you or she’s only being friendly can be trickish at times. The truth is that many guys are oblivious to reading signs maybe a girl wants them to ask her out. Or maybe not.

All girls might not be as assertive in the dating phenomena but instead will drop strong signals for you to pick up. But wait, how can you be sure you won’t misinterpret the signs or pick the wrong signal. Only if you are ready or trained to comprehend those.

Signs She Only Being Friendly

If you are unsure whether she had feelings for you and wants to be more than a friend or she’s only being friendly. Here are signs to know where she stands…


1. She Treats You The Same As Everyone Else In Her Friend Group

Someone can be friendly… and then someone can be friendly in a way that suggests that someone is crushing hard. While these might look the same to the casual observer, they are not the same at all and there are differences.

When she treats you the same way that she treats everyone in the friend group, it definitely means that she sees you as a friend. She doesn’t want to go on a date and if she did, she would be extra sweet to you or ask you more questions than she does other people.

It’s too bad for sure but there will be someone who is more perfect for you.


2. She Invites Others If You Asks Her To Hang Out

Let’s say that you ask the girl that you’ve got a crush on to spend time with you and she invites some other people to join in. You might figure that you still have a chance at romance because she did say yes in the first place. If she didn’t like you, she could have turned you down or said that she was busy.

The truth is that when a girl invites others to join in, she doesn’t like the guy more than a friend. She would absolutely want to hang out alone if she did because she would be hoping that it was a date. She wants to make sure that it’s not a date, so she makes it more of a friend hang with other people, too.


3. She’s Pleasant But Not Overly Nice

A girl with a crush is going to be extra nice to you. A girl who sees a guy as a friend is going to be nice but nothing too obvious.

This is a tough situation because you might think that she likes you since she’s always a total sweetheart when you hang out. You can see that she’s only thinking that you’re going to be friends when she’s simply friendly but she doesn’t go out of her way to talk to you, to ask how you’re doing, or to try to make sure that you’re having fun. She would only do those things if she wanted to date you.


4. She Confides In You

It’s simple to assume that confiding in someone means having a crush on them and wanting a relationship. It might not always be the case.

A girl is going to feel vulnerable about the hard times that she’s faced or a tricky situation that she’s currently going through. She wants to talk to a good friend about this and she wouldn’t want to tell a guy that she likes. She would want to put her best foot forward and make a good impression, and she would be worried that he would judge her or think that she should pull it together. She would tell him later, of course, but only if they were actually in a relationship.


5. She Doesn’t Answer Text Messages Super Quickly

There is no way that a girl would ever take a long time to answer someone’s text messages when she’s got a big crush. It’s more like she would stare at her phone, wait a few seconds, and text back, all the while wondering if that was too soon.

It’s really exciting to get texts from someone that we’re crushing on. When a guy is wondering if a girl wants him to ask her out, he can think about her response time when it comes to text messages. When she’ll wait a few hours or even a day to answer him, she just wants this to be a friend’s thing.

6. She Doesn’t Follow Up On A Previous Conversation (Which She Would If She Liked You In That Way)

It’s interesting to observe two friends talking vs. two people who are interested in becoming more than friends. While two friends might have a really deep, serious talk about a subject and then never mention it again, people who are crushing on one another will always have a follow-up discussion.

A girl is only being friendly when she’ll talks to a guy about something, like his new job for example, and then forget to ask him how it’s going when she sees him next. When she’s got a thing for you, it’s definitely more top of mind and she would always remember to ask.


7. She’s Always In A Great Mood And The Life Of The Party

It would be easy for a guy to think that a girl wanted to go out with him when every time that he saw her, she was really friendly and chatty and in a good mood. He would think that she had feelings for him. A girl would think the same thing if a guy acted that way around her.

The tricky thing about this? If this person is naturally like that. When someone is the life of the party all of the time, they tend to treat everyone the same way, so it doesn’t mean that they have feelings for someone and want to be more than friends.


8. She Asks About Your Love Life

While a guy might get excited when a girl is asking about his love life and whether he’s dating anyone, it might not actually mean that she wants him to ask her out.

She could honestly just be friendly and she just wants to strike up a casual kind of conversation. She’s simply curious if you’ve got a girlfriend or have gone on any dates with someone special lately, but she’s not looking to date you. If she liked you, she wouldn’t ask this question because she wouldn’t want to hear that you are dating someone, as it would make her feel awkward.


9. She Invites You To Hang Out In A Group

It’s super exciting when you have a crush on someone and they ask you to hang out. You swear that means that they like you back and that you’re one step closer to a full-blown relationship.

But are they inviting you to hang out with other people? Not so fast… because you might not be headed toward anything but friends.

When a girl is just being friendly, she’ll ask you to hang out but only in a group. She doesn’t want one-on-one time with you since she doesn’t have feelings for you.

So that’s something for guys to keep in mind.


10. She Only Talks To You When You’re Around Other People

When a girl is simply being friendly, she won’t try to talk to you outside of your group of friends or when they normally hang out. She’ll smile and ask how it’s going and maybe even ask about your job, but that’s about it. She considers you a friend and so she’s only going to talk to you as a friend. Since she’s used to seeing you with other people, that’s when she’s going to talk to you, and she won’t ever change that.

When she likes you, she’ll talk to you one-on-one and always look for moments when you can chat by yourselves.


Wrap It Up!

It is a bad thing for a guy to pick the wrong signal from a lady. And, it can be quite embarrassing when a girl you think had a crush on you turn down your proposal. I believe that the points stated above will help you to know if she had a crush on you or if she’s only being friendly.

  • Best of luck guy.

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