
7 Importance Of Trust In A Relationship & Tips For Building Trust

7 Reasons Why Trust Is Important In A Relationship

The importance of trust in a relationship cannot be challenged. Not love nor romance can substitute for the importance of trust in a marriage. Trust is important in any kind of relationship, whether personal, romantic or professional relationships. Building trust in a relationship is vital as it helps create a more positive and happier environment.

More often than not, a lot of people believe that love is all that is needed to sustain a relationship. On the other hand, it is obvious that a healthy and happy marriage is unachievable without trust, good communication and a few other marriage dynamics.

Importance of trust in relationships

Importance of Trust In A Marriage

Why trust is important in a relationship? Trust is one of the most important elements of successful marriages. It makes it you feel safe and secure to share everything with your partner. Also, you can be completely open and honest with each other without feeling vulnerable.

Trust makes problem-solving in a marriage an easy task whenever issues arise in your marriage. It is clear to see that love is never enough to sustain a marriage.

In this article, we are going to share with you five reasons why trust is important in a relationship. Enjoy!

1. Trust Gives Security

When there is trust in a relationship, both partners feel secure because they are assured of the other person’s commitment and loyalty to them. Once there is trust in your relationship, you won’t have the fear of your partner abandoning or cheating on you.

A relationship that lacks trust is harmful, negative and unhealthy for all parties involved. There needs to be a firm sense of security between two people for a relationship to thrive.  If you can’t trust your partner with any kind of situation or circumstance and vice-versa, then the level of trust in your relationship is questionable.

A very good reason why trust is important in a relationship is that a relationship cannot thrive if one person doubts the other regularly. It is also very unfair to continually question and judge the other person based on their past mistakes or issues which may be out of their control.

This often leads to feelings of low self-esteem and total feeling of insecurity within themselves due to a lack of trust in their spouse.


2. Trust Enhances Respect and Appreciation

Another importance of trust in a relationship that cannot be overlooked is that it boosts respect and appreciation. Trust in a marriage encourages couples to mutually respect their boundaries, as well as appreciate one another’s strengths and weaknesses. In the moment of disagreement and arguments, Trust makes it easier for partners to reach a compromise and resolve issues between them.

Additionally, one more reason why trust is important in a relationship is that it makes it easy for couples to respect and appreciate the choices and decisions of one another.


3. Trust Brings You To The Same Page

One more important of trust in a relationship is that it brings couples to the same page. It enables each person to know the standpoint of their spouse and thus makes room for mutual agreement, compromise and effective communication.

It will be very difficult to appreciate or respect your partner’s opinion when you are not sure of where your partner stands and how they feel about things. Trust is also important in a relationship because it helps prevent arguments and breakups.


4. Commitment

Trust makes people stay committed in a relationship – this is the additional importance of trust in a marriage.

A person needs to be completely trusted before their partner commits themselves to them and the relationship. Commonly, people won’t want to commit themselves fully to a relationship when there is no trust between partners because they don’t see the relationship moving.

One fundamental component of any successful relationship is commitment. Usually, a committed person is more like, to be honest, faithful, supportive and loyal to their partner and the relationship as well.

On the other hand, people who find it difficult to commit to a relationship are apt to act on their emotions more than those who are committed to a relationship. They usually encounter problems in their relationship because they’re more likely to act impulsively and rashly rather than acting deliberately and cautiously.

People with commitment phobia or who have commitment issues must learn how to stay committed in a relationship.

5. Trust Nurtures Love

A different reason why trust is important in a relationship is that love and intimacy cannot develop or grow in a relationship devoid of trust. Without trust, you cannot feel relaxed with your partner because your mind lacks confidence in them. This makes enjoying the good times together almost impossible.

True love can only be experienced when you feel safe enough to let your guard down and open yourself up fully to your partner. In a relationship without trust, people hold back a little bit in order not to get hurt.


6. Trust Reduce Relationship Stress

Another vital importance of trust in a relationship is that trust reduces stress in a relationship. In a healthy relationship, both partners feel no need to regularly check up on each other or sneak through their phone or social media accounts to check if they’re being truthful with them.

There is a significant amount of pressure and stress that is always associated with relationships without trust.

Most often than not, people in a relationship without trust always feel under pressure and stress since they find it difficult to truly relax around their partner. They are always suspicious of the worst about them and what they might be doing in their absence.

There is a variety of sources of stress and one of them is relationship stress. Usually, relationship stress erupts from lack of trust, worrying about the past, present and future of the relationship and seeking knowledge about the level of loyalty of a partner.

This can be a huge body for the body and can greatly impair one’s health so we need to learn how to let go of relationship stress for the mind and body to thrive.


7. Trust Build The Intimacy

The last but vitally important on the list of importance of trust in a relationship is trust helps in building intimacy. Lack of trust in a relationship hinders sexual activities between partners because one person might feel unsafe to have sex with a partner who might be cheating on them, or worst leave them for someone else.

Trust is essential for building intimacy in marriage. Intimacy involves sharing ourselves completely with another person; it involves being physically, emotionally and mentally vulnerable in front of them. To do this safely and comfortably, we need to trust that they won’t hurt us or take advantage of our vulnerability.

Here is a video by John Gottman about the importance of trust in relationships:

Tips to Build Trust in a Relationship

Trust is essential for a healthy relationship. Here’s how to build trust in a relationship and strengthen it:

Importance of trust in marriage

  1. Be Honest and Transparent: Always be truthful and open with your partner.
  2. Keep Your Promises: Follow through on commitments to show reliability.
  3. Communicate Effectively: Share openly and listen actively to avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Show Consistency: Align your actions with your words.
  5. Respect Boundaries: Honor your partner’s physical and emotional limits.
  6. Be Vulnerable: Share your true self to deepen your connection.
  7. Forgive and Move Forward: Address mistakes, apologize, and focus on the future.
  8. Support Each Other: Be there for your partner in times of need.
  9. Be Patient: Building trust takes time and consistent effort.

By practicing these habits, you can cultivate trust and create a strong foundation for your relationship.

Wrap It Up!

It is clear to see the importance of trust in a marriage or relationship.  People feel safe and secure in a relationship with trust.

When love and trust are in place in a relationship, you can feel relaxed and let your guard down without fear of being betrayed or hurt by your partner

Trust is key to all relationships, both personal and business. You may have had bad experiences in your past where trust has been broken, but this should not prevent you from trusting again.


Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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