Dating Tips For Men

What Girls Find Attractive In A Guy: 21 Traits That Make You Irresistible

What Do Girls Find Attractive? 21 Things All Girls Find Appealing

Seeking love can be challenging for many guys. Not only because there are lots of factors that can contribute to failing with relationships but a lot of guys are oblivious to the things girls find attractive in a guy or what girls find attractive.

If you need some help finding a lover, here’s what girls find attractive in guys.


What Girls Find Attractive In Guys

Sometimes, it feels like you just strike out every time you want to find a partner. A lot of guys have been embittered because they’ve failed at dating or don’t know how to make a girl fall in love with them.

We’ve all been there. even if you don’t feel like that, maybe the girl you’ve been crushing on isn’t returning your affection. And so, you’re left wondering what are the things girls find attractive in a guy or what do girls find attractive?


Things Girls Find Attractive In A Guy

If you have been wondering about things girls find attractive in a guy, you’ve come to the right place. Below is a list of 21 things that girls find attractive. Enjoy!


1. Charming Personality

Girls are pushovers for a great personality. They are really drawn to a guy who has a charming personality.

However, having a charming personality is not an excuse to be a sweaty, dirty, gross person who doesn’t take care of himself. No, that’s a dealbreaker for most girls. A charming personality is not a free pass to stop taking care of yourself physically.


2. Good Sense Of Humor

One of the first things girls find attractive in men is the ability to make them laugh.

For some guys, this comes naturally while it is not for some. Some very charming guys have no sense of humour.

Having a good sense of humour coupled with the ability to make a girl laugh is an irresistible trait. You don’t have to be a standup comedian to make a girl laugh. And I’m not just talking about cracking joke after joke after joke. It goes beyond that. The real humour is found in the everyday moments that you share.

Girls want someone who can laugh at themselves, and laugh at life. Everyone loves to laugh, and it’s contagious!


3. Intelligence

Intelligence is a major predator of the success of a relationship as well as its quality and duration. This is why intelligence is one of the first things girls find attractive in men. No girl wants to go out with a guy who merely grunts his way through a conversation.

Girls want to talk about hopes and dreams… or maybe even religion and politics. Girls find it really sexy when a guy knows his stuff and can hold up his end of the conversation and actually make them think. Smart is sexy. Oh yes, that’s the thing girls find attractive in men.


4. Passion

Lists of things girls find attractive in men can never be completed without passion on it. Passion is what gives a relationship its vitality. And I don’t just mean sexual passion although girls want that too.

Sexual passion is something that may come and go, but real passion is constant. Girls want a guy with a passion for everything – life, his career, his family, his hobbies – and most of all, his girlfriend. A guy who is just ho-hum about these things is wildly unattractive to girls.

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5. Kindness

Being kind is one of the things girls find attractive in men. It is a direct passport to a girl’s heart. Everyone could do a little kindness. Sometimes, it’s not even the big things.

Do you stop when you see a baby to oooh and ahh and say how cute she is? Do you help old ladies cross the street? Do you open the door for a disabled person? Girls love it when you have a good heart and you help people around you. Even learning to use the word ‘please’ would mean a lot. It makes them melt.


6. Self-Awareness

Girls want to know their boyfriend – mind, body, and soul. But if he is not self-aware, then he can’t share his innermost self with her. Girls want a guy who knows who he is and why he behaves the way he does. They also want him to be clear about it, so they can understand him on a deep level.

7. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else’s position and feeling what they must be feeling. It is the ability to understand another person’s emotions and respond appropriately.

Girls want you to be able to feel what they feel. If they’re having a bad day, you should not only ask her what’s going on but tell her you understand what she’s going through. She’ll need a shoulder to lean on.

So, try to stay away from your instinctual need to solve her problems, and just give her some empathy. By the way, this also applies to showing empathy to other people too.


8. Humility

There is no denying that humility is one of the most adorable things girls find attractive in men. Some people confuse humility with weakness, but the opposite is true.

It takes inner strength to acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers and to refrain from injecting your point of view into a conversation before really hearing what the other person has to say.

A lot of people perceive confidence and arrogance to be the same, but in between the two is the thin line that separates a confident guy and an arrogant guy is humility. When a man goes overboard with being confident; he simply becomes arrogant. And girls find such guys unattractive.


9. Strength

Both physical strength and emotional strength are things girls find attractive in guys. Girls love both. They think it’s sexy when you can literally sweep them off their feet and carry them around, but they also love it when you are their emotional rock. But be careful… emotional strength does not mean that you should have no emotions. Remember that.

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10. Independence

Maintaining your personal space, preferences and identity just might be the things girls find attractive in men.

What I mean here is that girls don’t like needy, clingy guys. Girls do want their boyfriends to show continual, genuine interest in them and want to spend time with them. Yet, they don’t find it attractive if you are too eager, it looks like you don’t have your own life.


11. Good Hygiene

This one should be obvious, but I know many guys who just sit around their house all weekend getting greasy and stinky and don’t bother to shower until Monday morning. Ewwwww. Yuck. Just don’t do it. Take care of yourself!


12. Cleanliness

Cleanliness is next to godliness. And, that is why it is one of the things girls find attractive in men.

Girls don’t like ne’er-do-wells. So, they should not have to clean up after you because they are not your mother.

Carrying your dirty dish from the bedroom and putting it into the dishwasher is not that difficult. Try to vacuum once in a while and keep up with the dusting. If you don’t, she’ll have to, and then she will be resentful when she has to do it all. Not having to act like your mother is definitely what girls find attractive.


13. Vulnerability

There’s nothing worse than a guy who just can’t open up and be vulnerable. To love someone, that’s kind of a requirement. Sure, you can be together and have sex.

But girls want a guy who genuinely, deeply cares about them and is vulnerable enough to put themselves out there. This quality is at the top of the list of what girls find attractive.


14. Stable

Girls respect stability, and that’s why it is on the list of things girls find attractive in men.

Don’t be the kind of guy who goes from job to job to job. Blowing hot and cold or who has fantasies of running 10 businesses while you’re still living in your parent’s basement playing video games all day? Girls find a guy who is solid, dedicated, and stable irresistible. It makes them feel safe, and they respect stability.


15. Ability To Love

The ability to love is one of the things girls find attractive in men. Some guys seem void of emotion. They may say those two words “love you,” but there really seems to be no feeling behind them. Love means many things, such as saying those words and also doing things for the one you love. Girls want a guy who can really show their love.


16. Non-Judgmental

No one likes to be criticized. Imagine if you were dating a person who was constantly judging you. Not fun. Girls want a guy who doesn’t judge them. Heck, they want a guy who doesn’t judge anyone. Why? Because it means they are kind and empathetic, which are some aforementioned qualities we want.

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17. Emotional maturity

Emotional maturity is one of the most important things girls find attractive in men. Equally, it is one of the most important aspects of a relationship.

Girls don’t want a guy who is petty and picks fights, as well as guys who make a mountain out of a molehill. They want a man who can take personal responsibility and understand the important things in life. Immature behaviour is a real turn-off. This is definitely what girls find attractive in men.


18. Healthy Sex Drive

Hey, girls like sex. And trust me, they do. A lot of girls admit that there is nothing worse than dating a guy with a low sex drive. It makes girls feel unattractive and unlovable. So, show her your love by making love to her regularly.


19. Healthy In General

Being healthy in a general sense is one of the things girls find attractive in men. It’s not something to lose your sleepover yet, you don’t have to start working on your six-pack. Girls don’t need a bodybuilder. But find men who care about their bodies irresistible.

So, love your body and take care of it… for the ladies.


20. Fun-Loving

Girls find it attractive to be pushed outside of their comfort zones from time to time. So, it’s fun when a guy helps them do that.

Girls want to hear, “Hey babe, it’ll be fun! Let’s give it a try!” Everyone likes to have fun, and girls want to do exciting things with their boyfriends.


21. Physical Attractiveness

Miuccia Prada once said fashion is instant language.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: a girl will judge you by your appearance. In those first 7 seconds when she looks at you, she’s already sized you up. Most women find a well-dressed man sexy and irresistible.

If a woman can’t get past your wrinkled shirt or baggy clothes then it’s highly unlikely that she will be paying much attention to you. So, take pride in your appearance.


It is important to note that physical attractiveness is important but it is equally subjective and idiosyncratic. What’s attractive to one girl isn’t to another. Regardless, if you have all the other qualities above, your chances of her finding you attractive are way better. It all comes down to chemistry and the whole package.


Wrap It Up.

So now that you know things girls find attractive and what girls find attractive, we hope that you’ll be excluded from the list of people who are still trying to become more attractive to the opposite sex. Also, we hope that you’ll find your perfect match very soon.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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