
16 Tips on How to Stay Committed in a Relationship

Handy ways to foster true commitment and preserve a relationship.

For most people, it’s tough to figure out how to stay committed in a relationship.

There’s a big difference between liking being married and doing the tough work to preserve a relationship. When you are single, you might be curious to have a taste of getting into a relationship. But, when it comes to ‘commitment,’ most people conveniently shy away from the process.

Usually, millennials don’t get committed to things or people as much as the older generation.

Millennials prefer not to be rushed into things, whether it’s about making a career decision, buying a new house, or getting into a committed relationship.

This assertion is backed by research conducted by The Pew Research Center. According to research, millennials are less likely to be married in their 20s as compared to the previous generations.

How to stay committed in a relationship

What Does Commitment Mean In A Relationship?

So, what does it mean to be committed to your marriage?

Being committed to your marriage means doing what it takes to make the relationship successful. Commitment is people’s conviction to stay together and not a legal contract. But, when you label yourself as a couple, there is a mutual and unwritten understanding between the partners.

Tips To stay committed in a relationship

Why Is Commitment Important In A Relationship?

In a marriage, disagreement is inevitable, but conflict is optional — a choice we make. Everybody has the opportunity to engage in a conflict, or not, to say, ‘You’re wrong, I’m right.’ When a couple has a dispute, they have many choices of how to respond, and this is where commitment plays its role.

The couples that were committed to their relationship are more willing to make sacrifices within their relationships and were more effective in solving their problems. True commitment reduces the rates of deterioration in a relationship.

A deeper level of commitment is a much better predictor of lower divorce rates and fewer problems in marriage.

16 Handy Tips On How To Stay Committed In A Relationship

There is a lot of difference between merely vocally committing to someone and being truly committed in a relationship. Relationships are dynamic, and true commitment needs hard work.

If you want to know how to stay committed in a relationship, we advise you to stay committed to the relationship. Being committed to the relationship rather than committing to your own agenda and your own immediate needs is a far better strategy. We’re not saying it’s easy but it’s doable.

So, how to stay committed in a relationship?

Here are fifteen handy tips to help you stay committed in a relationship and make your relationship successful.

How to stay committed in a relationship

1. Create Commitment Statements

If you are keen to know how to stay committed in a relationship and uncertain of where to start, creating a commitment statement can be a great way to get started. These are statements that gauge your level of commitment.

In a simple form, an ideal commitment statement will outline the purpose and goals for the relationship or marriage. Rules and boundaries that strengthens the marriage and make the couple feel secure should be counted in it as well.

A well-drafted commitment statement can help you stay committed in your marriage because, with it, your purpose and goals for your marriage are constantly in view.


2. Greet Each Other Each Day

This may sound ridiculous, but a lot of couples don’t greet each other. Not that there are conflicts in the marriage but they’ve just replaced greeting with kissing and hugging.

kissing and hugging create a good sensation in a marriage. But you must also make it a habit to greet each other every day.

Hearing your partner’s voice first thing in the morning creates good feelings and is a great way to start the day. So, make greeting each other a habit in your marriage. greet each other when you wake up or when you see your spouse after work and before dozing off.

See also: 10 Signs of Unhealthy Jealousy In A Relationship

If you are still wondering how to stay committed in a relationship, do this simple thing – start greeting each other. Greeting each other is a subtle yet effective way of reinforcing the commitment in your relationship.

Commitment in relationships

3. Spend A Good Amount Of Quality Time Together

How to stay committed in a relationship? Or ways to stay committed in a relationship? Whichever you want, try to spend quality time with your partner regularly.

There are many cool things you can do with your partner that will bring fun and quality time into your relationship. You can have a date night, cook together, watch a nice movie together, or just have an evening stroll together.

Do anything that makes you feel loved and connected to each other. 

Making time for each other, just to check in or to have a date, can strengthen the bond and reinforce spouses’ dedication to the marriage.


4. Talk About Your Dreams And Desires

Still, thinking about ways to stay committed in a relationship? Or how to stay committed in a relationship? Well, bring your dreams and desires to the talking point.

On a regular basis, discuss your dreams and aspirations with your spouse. This will help you and your partner to be on the same page.


Having conversations about dreams, desires and aspirations with your partner shows that you’re future-oriented. And, it let them know that you count on them in the foreseeable future.

Also, this comes with the benefit of boosting trust and dependability in a relationship.


5. Practice Open And Honest Communication

communication is key to a stable and lasting relationship. Practising open and honest communication with your spouse is essential if you want to stay committed in a relationship.

Involving in healthy communication with your partner helps build trust and loyalty in your relationship. Which are indispensable for maintaining commitment in a relationship.


6. Practice Reciprocated Accountability

Seeking ways to stay committed in a relationship? Try to practice reciprocated accountability.

A lot of people find it uncomfortable to be accountable to their partners. They perceived it as a way of parenting each other rather than a way of promoting healthy oneness among them.

Reciprocated accountability does not only help couples stay committed to the relationship and to one another but it also improves harmony, trust and transparency in marriage.

A relationship that lacks accountability has the potential for great harm such as infidelity or divorce.

Stay committed in a relationship

7. Appreciate Your Partner

Since you are pondering how to stay committed in a relationship, it is essential to realize the importance of appreciation in a relationship.

Relationships thrive when both partners feel acknowledged and appreciated in a relationship. As soon as one feels disrespected, undesired or unwanted, commitment becomes impossible in such a relationship.

Appreciating your partner makes them feel good about themselves and help them realize that you admire them. Likewise, it will help boost their self-esteem and their craving to stay committed in a relationship.

8. Do Not Try To Change Your Partner

No matter how charming your partner is, there will always be one or two nasty habits that irritate you. And as time progresses, you get comfy in the relationship and think you can change your partner to your desired form. Hell no! Almost always, it doesn’t work.

To stay committed in a relationship or if you want your partner to stay committed in the relationship – take this vital piece of advice, don’t try to change your partner.

Whether you are intentional about it or, it happens inadvertently, the repercussions can be unpleasant. So, be careful. Nobody likes to be changed. Accept your partner the way they are.

If your partner has a habit that bothers you, talk about it gently and sympathetically and not with the holier than thou attitude. Be patient, and check your motive for wanting the change – is the habit irritating or is it to suit your taste or whim?

How to stay committed in a relationship

9. Do Not Get Into A Blame Game

You must have heard this advice when you are single and now it is still valid. If you want you or your partner to stay committed in a relationship avoid getting into a blame game even when you are very angry with your partner. Getting into a blame game is destructive to a relationship.

Arguments are bound to happen among couples, if you sense that the situation is het up, it is better to take a time-out and talk later when both of you are in a receptive mood. It is then that you can discuss what went wrong to avoid the future reoccurrence of the issues.


10. Be Best Friends With Your Partner

Fostering friendships after marriage is one of the best ways to stay committed in a relationship. So, still wondering, how to stay committed in a relationship? Well, start nurturing friendship with your partner.

A study has shown that couples who share a deep level of friendship with their partners reported much larger levels of happiness as compared to those who didn’t share such a bond.

Therefore, keep working on becoming a better friend with your partner and if you’ve not been friends, try to be the best of friends with your spouse.

Nurturing friendship not only fosters commitment but also helps in keeping the passion, intimacy and spark alive in the relationship.


11. Learn To Compromise

Life is all about compromise, the same holds true for relationships.

If you are still wondering about how to stay committed in a relationship or ways to stay committed in a relationship, then take the first step.

Sometimes, you need to make the first move towards commitment before you expect your partner to follow suit.

Compromise is all about showing your readiness to put your relationship even above yourself. It doesn’t mean killing your freedom or strangulating your individuality. Instead, it’s about finding a common ground or shifting your standpoint to some sort of mutually acceptable position.

If both the partners are willing to compromise when needed, maintaining commitment in a relationship won’t seem to be an uphill battle.

So, if you want to stay committed in a relationship, compromise is a compulsory sacrifice you have to make.


12. Try To Pursue The Family Traditions

Having good family traditions is one of the vital things happy families do that makes the difference.

Usually, family traditions are the unique activities or memorable experiences that are passed down the generations that help form stronger bonds.

Family traditions go beyond just fun activities to anticipate, nevertheless they help establish a strong foundation for the family values and act as special bonding experiences.


13. Engage In Small Acts Of Kindness

Here is another piece of advice if you’re still thinking about how to stay committed in a relationship or seeking ways to stay committed in a relationship.

Do something kind for your partner.

As time progresses, it is easy to take advantage of what your spouse gives for the benefit of the relationship and feel unacknowledged. No one wants to stay in a relationship where they feel they’ve been taken for granted.

Engaging in small acts of kindness towards your partner will make them feel acknowledged.

See also: 10 Simple Ways To Show Gratitude To Your Spouse Everyday

Everyone could do a little act of kindness. Sometimes, it’s not even the big things but little thoughtful things that work the wonders. Doing a chore like washing the car; making dinner, bringing home a special gift, or sending a loving note are little thoughtful things that scream I love you the loudest.

Engaging in small acts of kindness is one of the effective ways of showing love to your spouse and committing to marriage.


14. Practice Spiritual Activities Together

The couples that pray together stay together – hope that doesn’t sound bizarre to you? It’s so important that couples pray together not only because it helps them stay committed in the relationship but also increases trust and boost intimacy in marriage.


One of the most effective ways for couples to stay committed in a relationship is by practising spiritual activities together. Practising spiritual activities together helps promote individual and relationship connections between couples. And, it can help a couple grow closer and strengthen each spouse’s commitment as well.

15. Talk About How You Met, And The Many Reasons You Fell In Love

One of the negative traits of humans is that we are quick to forget. And, we parade this trait more frequently in relationships. We are quick to forget the reason for getting committed to the relationship and to one another.

Either you or your partner can stay committed in the relationship by having constant reflection on reasons for committing to one another in the first place. This will help renew the thirst to stay committed and preserve the relationship.

Flipping through the pages of your wedding album or watching the video of your wedding ceremony or other special occasions by cuddling together on the couch is one of the best ways to follow this advice.


16. Do Not Let Intimacy Take A Back Seat

Finally, if you are curious to know how to stay committed in a relationship, then always try to keep intimacy alive in your marriage.

When the level of intimacy in a marriage decreases, the relationship tends to become stale. Avoid such scenarios at all costs, don’t let intimacy take the back seat.

Create time to get close to your partner. Always create time to get physically intimate with your partner. There are many more ways to get physically intimate with your partner!

Having sex is one of the ways to build physical intimacy but even when you don’t have sex, try to cuddle up, snuggle together on the couch, hold hands or give a nice massage to one another.

when it comes to relationships and commitment it is certainly important to get innovative and rekindle the spark in your relationship.

Commitment in a relationship

Wrap It Up!

There are various ways to stay committed in a relationship as discussed above, that can you help with maintaining commitment in your relationship.

Every relationship is unique, so focus on the things that matter most to the two of you!

Research has shown that couples whose marriages lasted were better at staying committed to the relationship than the couples who divorced.

The successful couples were able to shift their focus away from whether ‘I win’ or ‘you win’ to ‘Are we going to keep this relationship afloat?’ That is the ideal. That is true commitment.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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