Sex Life

Improve Your Sex Life: 9+ Simple Exercises for women

Few weeks ago, I received an email with the question – “Does workingout increase sex drive in wonen? Yes! You can improve your sex life as a woman through exercises.

Exercise has many health advantages, but it may also improve your sex life by raising arousal, desire, and satisfaction.

What are the exercises that improve sex life for women?

Regardless of your current health status, regular exercise have a lot of benefits and chief among them is that it can improve your sex life greatly.

Avariety of factors, including increased blood flow, enhanced strength and endurance, and elevated testosterone levels, which may heighten sex drive, all contribute to improve sexual drive during exercise.

In light of this, try these over nine exercises to improve your sexual life:

Squatting is an exercise that can improve your sex life

1. Squats

Squatting puts a lot of muscles to work, which increases hormone production and increases sex drive.

They enhance the gluteus muscles’ and the upper legs’ strength and endurance, which helps to enhance performance.

Squats are another exercise that promotes a hard and attractive bottom.

Improve your sex life with cardiovascular exercises

2. Go cardio: Run or Ride Your Bike

Can cardiovascular exercises increase sex drive in women?

Cardiovascular exercises does not only improve your sex drive but also your sex stamina which means it can improve your sex life generally.

Blood flow is improved by cardiovascular activity, especially to the areas of your body where you get sexy.

According to research, cardiovascular activity can boost libido in both sexes, resulting in higher arousal in women and more powerful erections in males.

Regular cardiovascular exercise also improves endurance, strength, and flexibility, all of which are beneficial to your sex life.

You may get these benefits by jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, or engaging in any sport you enjoy.

Kegel exercise can improve sex drive in women

3. Get Into the Kegel Exercise Routine

Your pelvic floor muscles are crucial for bladder control and may also improve your sexual life.

Kegel exercises assist strengthen these muscles. From the Mayo Clinic, here are some pointers for performing Kegel exercises correctly:

  • Stopping midstream urination is an easy approach to identify your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Improve your methods. Tighten your pelvic muscles as though you were raising the stone while seated on it. The Mayo Clinic advises trying it for three seconds at a time and then relaxing for three counts.
  • Make sure you are not using any other muscles when you tighten the pelvic floor muscles. Don’t hold your breath either! Continue until you begin to understand.
  • Every day, perform three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions. Kegel exercises are fantastic since they can be performed anywhere.

Cat/cow stress is an exercise to improve your sexual life

4. Cat/Cow Stress

Consider this as an alternative to foreplaying in yoga. It helps you focus better so your mind stays in the present, limbers your spine, and helps you establish a regular breathing pattern.

Stride in a continuous motion, with each rounding up (the cow portion) taking a deep breath and each arching down (the cat part) letting go.

Plank exercise for a better sex life

5. Challenge yourself to a plank

Strength, balance, and endurance are developed by planking and other core exercises, which might improve your sex life.

If you want to strengthen your core, try planks, crunches, and other similar activities. Start on your hands and knees, placing your hands just behind your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips, to achieve the perfect plank stance.

One by one, stretch your feet back so your body forms the shape of a plank, keeping a straight line from your head to your heels.

For 30 seconds, clench your quads, glutes, and abs. Try maintaining plank stance for an additional thirty seconds to a minute after taking a 30- to 1-minute break.

Balasana or baby pose is an exercise that improve sex life

6. Balasana – Child’s pose

This is a great stance that enhances your sexual life and supports general health maintenance.

Apart from these, a 2019 research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that using a combination of strength and aerobic activities, such as squats, pushups, and deadlifts, also offers comprehensive advantages for sexual health.

Balasana or baby’s pose is very easy to carry out. Here is the quick guidelines:

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Keep your spin neutral.
  2. Bring your toes together to touch, keep your knees hip-width apart.
  3. Sit back into your hips.
  4. Fully extend your arms out in front of you.
  5. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.

Mountain climbing for women

7. Gain Strength by Climbing Mountains

Mountain climbers, who just use their bodies as equipment, are an excellent method to practice balance and stability.

Since this workout uses many of the same muscles that you use during sex, it’s very beneficial. Put yourself in the same posture you would for a plank or a pushup to perform mountain climbers.

Bend one knee into the chest and then straighten your back to resume the initial posture. After that, repeat with the opposite leg. After you’ve got the hang of it, start moving faster and alternate between your legs.

Regular bridge exercise can improve your sex life

8. Fortify With a Bridge

Bridges not only help to strengthen the pelvic floor but also the hamstrings and glutes, which are engaged when you thrust during intercourse.

Lay on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms out to the sides to perform this exercise. Maintaining your shoulders and upper back on the mat, push through your heels as you rise your pelvis.

Once you have reached the peak of the bridge posture, release your glutes and slowly descend your pelvis back to the ground. Ten to fifteen times, repeat. As an alternative, try holding the bridge stance for thirty to sixty seconds.

Push up help to improve your sex life

9. Develop your pushups.

A great full-body strength-building exercise to aid with positions that need your entire body to be engaged, such as top-down sex, are push-ups.

Start by assuming a plank-like stance, placing your palms behind your shoulders and your arms straight.

Bend your elbows and steadily lower your body until your chest is just above the floor, keeping your core strong and your body in a straight, solid line from your head to your feet.

To prevent sagging in the hips or any other area of the body, push into your hands as you stretch your arms and take a straight line back to your starting position.


FAQs on simple exercises to improve your sex life.

  • Can exercise increase sex drive in women?

Exercise provides women with a distinct type of sexual reward, according to a research on exercise-induced sexual desire.

Hormones, neurotransmitters, and autonomic nervous system activity are all impacted by intense exercise.

Additionally, it enhances and maintains a woman’s levels of an enzyme that promotes arousal and vaginal blood flow. Exercise for just 20 minutes can increase sexual desire by 169%.

Because of the brief duration of this arousal effect in women, it’s a good idea to schedule some time in bed immediately following your workout.

  • Are there any side effects of doing these sitting exercises to improve sex life?

These exercises often don’t have any significant negative consequences when performed appropriately. Before adding these workouts to your fitness regimen, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor.

Remember this!

  • To prevent strain or damage, start out slowly and raise the intensity gradually.
  • Before and after exercise, drink plenty of water.
  • If a workout creates acute discomfort, stop doing it. If the pain doesn’t go away, see a doctor.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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