
6 Things Happy Families Do Differently

What do happy families do that makes the difference? It’s becoming pretty difficult to observe an ideal family or set a template for happy families in our society in recent times.

The days of great family movies and shows are gone and our kids are now left with lots of junk.

But just because your kids can’t watch and observe the ideal family movies or shows, doesn’t mean they can’t work toward being one. Be the change you wish to see. That means being conscious of how you are living and raising your children.


Here are 5 things happy families do differently:

Obviously, every family can’t be happy all the time, but with a few little hints to help you along the way you can be most of the time. Below I will share tips that you can use to create a happy family too:


1. Happy Families Build Good Family Relationships

Great family relationship is the reason why many homes and families can survive many adverse circumstances. No matter how the day has been for you, no matter how people must have behaved with you, and no matter the problems you have been facing, the smiling face of your spouse and children help you stay balanced.

Good family relationships are an important part of happy families. happy families grow from love, security, good communication, connection and a few rules and routines too. The type of relationship that exists between the man, the woman and the children will determine the success or failure of the family. The relationship can make or mar a marriage.


2. Happy Families Have Family Traditions.

Everyone is busy these days – from children to adults alike. Everyone’s getting preoccupied with tasks and activities that most families don’t have time to spend together. In recent times, only a few families are lucky enough to spend a few hours per week together.

Happy families have family traditions they stick to. They set aside time for the whole family just to be together doing things consistently every week, every month, and on holidays.

Creating activities and time together as a family is important because it creates lifelong memories and family traditions.

So, now more than ever, it’s important to start creating your own family traditions. It doesn’t have to be something fancy –

For instance, it can be as easy and simple as family dinner on Saturday evenings, visiting family out of town once a month, picnic on Sunday afternoons, gift exchange during Christmas, cooking a family recipe – the list is endless.


3. Happy Families Are Givers.

Giving is living; you live when you give. Giving is a powerful antidote to most life problems. Countless benefits can be derived from it both spiritually and physically.

As the song goes, “We all need somebody to lean on“.

There’s nothing better than giving back to those in need.  You may have been in need at some time, and someone has helped you.  In the same respect, you never know when you might be in need (so it’s good to store up some of that instant positive karma). It’s important to give often and allow your children to personally give as well.

Giving does not only give you positive karma but also makes you feel good positively. Giving back as a family only amplifies the positive gesture.  It bonds the family while also teaching children about doing good deeds for others and sharing.  There are so many ways you can give back to others – like:

  • Participate in a walk/jog/run that benefits a special charity or a group affected by a certain disease or disability.  (Feel free to select your own preference)
  • Volunteer to plant trees or flowers
  • Partake in a food drive.
  • Give away things around the house that you no longer need or use.
  • Give-out clothes that are too small or not worn.

4. Happy Families Practice Peace, Kindness, And Compassion.

Practising peace, kindness and compassion is one of the things happy families do differently. When a family practices peace internally, it prevents issues from escalating into major crises.

Happy families intentionally use kindness and compassion in situations that would typically create anger or annoyance and teach their children to do the same.

So, to practice peace, kindness and compassion in your family declare and make a family rule that is only positive. Ensure that only kind words are acceptable to be spoken to each other. Once feelings of anger arise, learn how to take deep belly breaths to dismiss the harmful feeling.

It is important to lead by example and practice what you preach. Teach your children these habits by practising them yourself.


5. Happy Families Are Spiritual Or Religious.

A family that prays together tend to stay together. Happy families consistently nurture their spiritual life. They have personal beliefs and teach that beliefs to their child(ren).

Children from happy families had much success and happiness in their life because they’ve thought about life and our creator.

Even if later down the road they decide to believe something different. Ultimately it is up to all of us as individuals how we connect with the divine.

knowing that it exists and that we can communicate with that power is what creates comfort and security in a person. Consequently, this creates a happier and healthier family and life.

The most effective way to do this is to practice your religion or spiritual beliefs daily and encourage your children to practice them with you. Then teach them the details along the way.


6. Happy families are happy more and worry less.

Today’s worry will rob you of tomorrow’s joy. One of the things that separate happy families from not-so-happy families is the level of worries they permit in their lives.

Happy families don’t stress and strain themselves when an unpleasant situation arises. Planning and acting accordingly is the watchword of happy families. They don’t allow little issues to escalate into big problems – they deal with them quickly and calmly and they are grateful for the beauty and love of their life.

To remain happy, happy families focus on the main things in the family. The thing that brings them joy in life; things like love, sound health, togetherness, dreams etc. Unhappy families are unhappy because they just have “too many” other things they’ve to decide to worry about.

Happy families might still be “busy” with school, work, hobbies, and extra activities, but they make the most of life because they created it. Happy families diffuse problems quickly. When a big problem arises, they effectively handle it and communicate their emotions. They may share concerns in a more peaceful way to help the whole family co-exist more easily.


Wrap It Up!

Actually, being happy or otherwise as a family is a choice. You can decide to be among the happy families or not. Building a happy family comes with a lot of benefits like sharing love, emotion, desire, and empathy together. It also brings about the oneness of spirit and purpose. And enhance a deep understanding of each other’s presence without fear, shame and guilt.

I believe that with the tips shared above, you can as well build a happy family.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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