Read For Men

5 Absurd Things Husbands Do To Destroy Marriage

Bad Husband Behaviour That Kill Love In A Marriage

Are there specific things husbands do to destroy marriages? Yes, there are.

Usually, one person is the major cause of problems in marriage. When a marriage is rocked with issues and things begin to be going not so well, you may at this point you may grasp that one of you has been blameable for the majority of problems you’re facing together in your marriage.

No matter who gets the blame, there are particular things husbands do to destroy marriages.

After a while, people change in marriages and the couple may no longer be the person the spouse fell in love with in the beginning.

Yes, husbands change faster in a marriage. You may not even realize that your behaviour had started to change since getting married. If you’re preoccupied with other things, you may not recognise the changes in your behaviour until your wife can’t even recognize you any longer.

This is the point at which your wife may cry out because your behaviours are becoming unbearable for her.

You must figure out the things husbands do to destroy marriages and take the necessary action before it’s too late. You are most likely faced with two choices – you either change your behaviour or lose the woman that completes your world.

What are the things husbands do to destroy marriage

The Negative Effects of Things Husbands Do To Destroy Marriages

Everyone has their limits, so don’t take your wife’s promise of ‘for better and worse at the altar for it. She’ll be done with you sooner than you anticipated if she feels taken for granted or if you chose to ignore her despite her efforts in trying to communicate her feelings.

Therefore, at this junction, you must open your eye and see the truth laid right in your view. But, if you can’t still make out the things men do that destroy marriages, well that’s nothing to worry about, we are here to help you with that.


5 Things Husbands Do To Destroy Marriage

Time and again, husbands aren’t aware of the mistakes they make. They just can’t come to terms with the fact that their behaviour has been the major cause of many issues in their marriage.

Honestly, most husbands are unmindful of their behaviour until the boat of their marriage begins to be rocking hard. If you are in this situation, you have a chance to stop it from capsizing by being conscious of the things that husbands do that destroy marriage and change your behaviour

If you still can’t figure out what the issues are, then here are some examples of things husbands do to destroy a marriage:

Things husbands do to destroy marriages

1. You Don’t Spend Any Quality Time With Her

The first of the things husbands do to destroy marriages is withdraw affection and love. Most men fail to realize that their relationship with their wives has been nurtured by showing her love and affection.

Most likely, you created some time to spend with her before you were married. And probably you were taking her on dates, sprinkling her with love and constantly showing her how much she means to you.

Like many other husbands, you may completely stop doing any of these things as time goes on. Now that you’re married, you simply get carried away by other things and forget what it means to spend quality time with your wife.

One fact that most husbands are ignorant of is that spending time in the same house doesn’t count as quality time together. Just because you spend the whole day at home with your wife does not make her assume it’s unnecessary to her out – your woman still wants you to take her out.

To save your marriage, you must realise that you need to take her out whenever you have the chance.

Fortunately, there are many modest ways to go about giving your wife the feeling and thrill of having a good time together. Going on a date night is great as well as getting up in the morning to have a coffee with her while chatting about fun things. also, taking her out for an evening walk can certainly be a way to spend quality time with your partner.

As long as it’s two of you hanging out with each other, she’ll appreciate it. And you already know that a happy wife means a happy life.

Read Also: The Importance of Date Night in a Marriage and Tips to Make It Happen


Blaming the wife for everything is one of the things husbands do to destroy marriage

2. You Always Blame Her For Everything

Blaming your wife for all the issues you are facing in your marriage can make her feel that you don’t value her – this is among the things husbands do to destroy marriage.

It’s important to show your wife love and affection and make her feel cherished by you – this is important to keep her happy and stay committed to you and the relationship.

Having a bad day is inevitable in everyone’s life and there are days you don’t feel like talking to anyone. But as you try your best to get through the day, you should manage to treat your wife well and avoid disrespecting her.

Blaming your wife for every issue in your marriage is unreasonable. She shouldn’t be the only one who’s putting effort into your relationship to make it work.

Marriage is all about healthy partnership, and so, you also have to show willingness and be ready to resolve every issue that may arise in your relationship.

Not taking responsibility for the things you do and blaming your wife for everything and anything is one of the things husbands do to destroy marriage.

You may find yourself at risk of losing your wife if you fail to take a moment and try to realize the way you’ve been treating her and make amendments.

Husband not helping wife around the house

3. You Don’t Help Her Around The House

Many men are oblivious to the things husbands do to destroy marriage. Refusing to help out at home and letting your wife look out for everything is certainly one of the things husbands do to destroy marriage.

Your wife is your partner and not your mother – so she’s not supposed to look out for you. Also, she’s not your housekeeper who should run after you and pick up your dirty undies and socks.

Sharing chores with your wife is essential for the success of your marriage. After all, it has been established by research that sharing chores is a key to a good marriage.

Let her feel you are equal and that you’re actually in this together.

Husband not showing affectation towards wife

4. You No Longer Show Her Love Or Affection

A marriage thrives when the wife is constantly showered with love and affection. Many husbands stop showing their wives love and affection a few years into the marriage. If anything, you should take care of your wife and treat her with more kindness than ever before.

Feeling of loneliness and boredom can set in if you fail to show her love and affection – and can also make her feel unloved and underappreciated. Withdrawing love and affection from your wife can be disastrous in the long run.

One good reason to constantly shower your wife with love is that she’s the woman you’ve decided to spend the rest of your days with.

The spark and fire between the two of you will die out if you fail to shower her with love and affection. But, showing her love can keep the fire blazing forever. Make your wife feel loved and appreciated. She should have the impression that her husband is her lover and not just an acquaintance.

Poor communication is one of the things husbands do to destroy marriage

5. You’re No Longer Communicating With Her

One of the other common things husbands do to destroy marriage is reducing communication to the bare minimum or not communicating with her in a real way.

Probably, you shared everything with her before you were married. Possibly, she is your safe harbour and you always confided in her. But, quite, unfortunately, you’re now a changed person and no longer act that way. You may keep her at a safe distance as an alternative to sharing everything with your wife. And consequently, you may not be connecting emotionally with her.

Maybe you’re doing this unintentionally, or you’re simply trying to protect her from certain things. However, no matter what, it may make her feel left out of your life. She may feel like you’re pushing her away, which isn’t what any woman wants to feel.

You must talk to your partner and listen to her as communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship that lasts.

Watch this video to learn more about improving your relationship through communication:

Wrap It Up!

Now, you can no longer claim to be ignorant of the things husbands do that destroy marriage. If you notice any of the above-mentioned behaviour in yourself, then your actions may be damaging your marriage – and now you’ve realised it.

It is best to take a step back and look at things from your wife’s viewpoint. Try to fathom how she feels whenever you act in any of the ways stated above. It will help you give up the things husbands do that destroy marriage.

No matter how long you’ve been together it’s your responsibility to make her feel loved always. And that’s key.

Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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