
15 Interesting Things To Talk About In A Relationship To Keep It Alive

Healthy relationships are characterized by open and effective communication. And, there are things to talk about in a relationship to keep the status of the relationship.

In a healthy relationship, partners need to talk and have discussions that will enhance intimacy between them and as well as grow the passion between them.

It is an important practice to spend time talking about a variety of topics with your partner. This helps you both to grow together as a couple and to prevent your relationship from becoming musty.

Happy couples knows the things to talk about in a relationship

Things To Talk About In A Relationship

A healthy relationship blooms on effective communication coupled with a few other relationship dynamics. Nonetheless, many people are oblivious of the things to talk about in a relationship or just aren’t certain what they should be communicating about.

If you aren’t sure of the things to talk about in a relationship; below are 15 things to talk about in your relationship:


1. Your Daily Activities

Your partner is always eager to know how your day goes – so what better things to talk about in a relationship? Spend time sharing your daily activities with your partner.

They will be happy to hear it and you will enjoy sharing it with them as well. Things to talk about in a relationship include talking about what time you woke up, the argument you had with a co-worker or what you had for lunch.

Talking about things like these in a relationship will help you both understand what happens when you’re apart and can bring more empathy into your relationship.

Talk about money in a relationship to keep it alive

2. Money

One of the important things to talk about in a relationship is money. But quite unfortunate, a lot of couples dread talking about money. Money talks are essential to nurturing a healthy relationship. The money things to talk about in a relationship include; setting financial goals together, discussing your saving goals, talking about your saving and spending habits, and having a discussion about your budget.

It is equally important to have a money talk in your relationship to decide whether to combine finances or not. Having regular money talk in a relationship helps you to set some financial goals and map out strategies to help you reach those goals.


3. Places You Want to Explore

Things to talk about in a relationship to enhance fun include having a conversation about places you want to explore. Such discussion helps you to plan for vacation and gives you insight into what fun your partner itches.

Talking about activities you’d love to do can spark a lot of new conversations and keep the line of communication open in your relationship. Whether you want to go on a cruise around the world, visit Mar-a-Lago or just desire to travel to your grandmother’s house, talking about travel is a great conversation starter.


4. Emotional Growth

To keep a relationship healthy, one of the things to talk about in a relationship include emotional growth. Partners should constantly share some information about their emotional growth.

It’s ideal to point out any changes you notice in your partner’s emotions. If you notice they’ve become wiser, smarter, more or less creative, or more or less compassionate, share information about it. Keep observing the emotional changes happening within you and encourage your partner to share with you the emotional growth or changes they’ve noticed in you as well.

Things to talk about in a relationship

5. Individual Goals

What are your personal goals? Are they short-term or long-term goals? It’s okay to have individual or personal goals and a healthy relationship will accommodate them.

Individual goals can be one of the best things to talk about in a relationship. It promotes teamwork because your partner will help you in achieving those goals.

So, whether you want to open a multinational business, want to rise to the executive level in your office, become a top guitar player in your state, or simply learn to speak Spanish and know how to prepare Chinese food, set some goals for yourself and discuss them with your partner.

Communication is important to keep relationship alive

6. Spiritual Beliefs

Our spiritual beliefs form a core part of our lives. And so, they are important things to talk about in a relationship. Have discussions about your spiritual beliefs.

Be willing to listen to your partner’s beliefs and try not to condemn or be negative about their belief if yours are different. Being open about the similarities and differences in your beliefs is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship.


7. What You’re Watching on TV

Are you watching a TV series in which you’re learning something new or have you just discovered a new YouTube channel where you can increase your knowledge of certain things? This is one of the things to discuss with your partner.

Discussing what you’re watching can help you learn something new about one another.


8. Politics

Though politics is one of the controversial things to talk about in a relationship, it can be a good talking point if you are both open-minded about it.

Naturally, you’ll likely have opposing views and you don’t have to agree on politics to have a healthy discussion about it. If you have a discussion about politics, you can learn a lot about each other.

In a healthy relationship, each partner feels respected enough to share an opinion, even if it opposes the other partner’s opinion.

9. Goals to Address as a Couple

Joint goals as a couple are crucial things to talk about in a relationship. Talk about joint goals to address as a couple. Shared goals for the future is a very important talking point in all healthy relationship.

Whether you want to volunteer at a homeless shelter together or save enough money for a new car, working together to reach your goal can help you stay close as a couple.

10. Your Past

Though it is not a piece of good advice to let your partner know every skeleton in your closet. However, sharing information about your past is one of the things to talk about in a relationship and can be very helpful.

Some of the things you can discuss with your partner regarding your past include; your childhood, past experiences, and challenges you’ve surmounted. You can also share how much you’ve learned and changed over the years.

11. Your Values

Sharing your values with one another is key to a healthy relationship. Discuss your life priorities with your partner. Talking about your value helps your partner to know how you feel about family, education, work and vice versa.

Let your partner know what types of things you value the most and what changes you may want to make to ensure that you’re living according to your values. So, your value is one of the things to talk about in a relationship.

Things to talk about in a relationship

12. Your Dreams

Daydreaming they say is a bad habit but it can be a great activity to do together in any healthy relationship. Discuss dreams you had as a child, dreams you’ve let go of, and dreams you still hold onto.

13. Your Feelings

Of course, talking about your feelings is an important part of communication – and one of the crucial things to talk about in a relationship. Be willing to share your joys and sorrows with your partner. Also, be willing to talk about what makes you feel angry, when you’re disappointed, and when you feel embarrassed or hurt.

14. Family

Whether you’ve got a close relationship with your family or not, talking about family can be important. It can give your partner an inside look at what type of childhood you had as well as what type of relationship you have with your family members. Discuss how you want your family to be different from your family of origin, as well as which aspects you want to replicate.

You may also discuss the parenting style to adopt and strategies to build good family relationships.

15. Your Relationship

Your relationship is an important aspect of your life which makes it one of the important things to talk about in a relationship. Discuss the aspects of your relationship that are working well and make sure to also discuss problematic areas. Talking openly about your relationship can ensure your relationship stays fresh and exciting.


For more interesting things to talk about in a relationship, watch this video:


Wrap It Up!

To prevent your relationship from becoming stale you need to communicate effectively. And to communicate effectively with your partner, you’ve to know the things to talk about in a relationship. Now that you have the idea of things to talk about in a relationship, you can communicate effectively in your relationship and keep it fresh always.



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The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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