
15 Sure Signs Your Wife Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Signs Your Wife Doesn’t Love You Anymore

It is a known fact that marriage thrives on a variety of marriage dynamics but love is the foundation upon which most marriages are built. But, after being married for a while, you may find yourself wondering if your wife still loves you as she used to during the early days of your relationship.

Truly, almost couple will one point or another in their marriage question the strength of their marriage. And, surprisingly, there is no set time frame for this to happen. Marriage and relationship are different from one another.

Wondering if your wife still loves you is a horrible but almost inevitable thought many men had in their relationship. Funny enough, your wife might have been feeling that way long before you do and now you’re in this situation probably because you fail to notice it or fail to take the necessary actions.

Signs she doesn't love you anymore

Why Your Wife Doesn’t Love You Anymore

There are many reasons why your wife doesn’t love you anymore. How long you’ve been married doesn’t matter, if you make her feel neglected, unappreciated and unloved you might lose the spark in your marriage.

You may find yourself wondering whether your wife doesn’t love you anymore sooner than you anticipate if you’re controlling, unavailable and won’t communicate. You might even lose her love quickly if you embarrass or berate her in public.

Also, not putting in the effort to make your marriage work can make your wife think you’ve lost interest in the relationship and force her to do the same. Likewise, if she notices any sign of disloyalty in marriage in you, sure you will realize that your wife doesn’t love you anymore quickly.

So, to get a full grasp of the possible reasons why your wife doesn’t love you anymore read our article on why your wife loses interest in you. This will help you see things from your wife’s perspective, help you to assess the situation and makes you take the right steps to restore your marriage.


Signs A Woman Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Looking for signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore means you’re not being assumptive about how your partner is feeling. Of course, it is a good thing to do because you have to know exactly what to look for when it comes to making a conclusion regarding the future of your marriage.

The keyword here is observation and the signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore discussed in this article are meant to be pointers for you to know your marriage needs extra work. And, so they are not meant to be used as excuses to end your marriage or point to hold on to with the purpose of satisfying your desire or self-interest.

Also, note that noticing any of these signs once in your marriage doesn’t the certainty that your wife is falling out of love with you. Just because she was unable to make your favourite food or forget to feed your dog that one time doesn’t mean that your wife doesn’t love you anymore.

If you are still wondering whether your wife still loves you or not, here are signs that will help you identify when your wife doesn’t love you anymore:


1. She Stops Sharing

One of the sure signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore is when she decides she no longer wants to co-own with you. You should look out for the time she doesn’t want to purchase a new Television with you or she doesn’t feel comfortable getting a new couch with you.

Doing those things simply means your wife doesn’t want to stick around to take responsibility for those things with you.

More importantly, if you notice that your wife suddenly assigning bills in her name only, it’s a bad sign she no longer loves you.


2. She Stays Silent

If you have been married for a while, chances are you can’t be chatting with each other always. But, when dinners and date nights start becoming moments of silence, it could toxic for your relationship and a sign your wife doesn’t love you anymore.

Naturally, women are more chatty than men and they usually don’t thwart when it comes to keeping the conversation alive. There seems to always be something on their minds. So, you should be worried if your wife suddenly goes dead silent. It could be an indication that she is angry towards you, but if you can’t pinpoint any hiccups and her silence lingers, it could mean she doesn’t have interest in talking with you anymore – a sign your wife no longer loves you.

Why your wife doesn't love you anymore

3. She’s Always Bad-Tempered… With You

Normally, you don’t act hostile towards the person you love all the time. Maybe if they do something that really annoys you, but if you notice that your wife suddenly becomes irritated with you continually, it could mean that she isn’t enjoying your presence.

Women usually tend to be more outspoken than men when something is upsetting them, so if your wife doesn’t love you anymore or she no longer like you, she might start acting frustrated with everything you are doing.

If you notice that she suddenly becomes annoyed by the sound of you just chewing or breathing; or she unexpectedly hates the way you say something or does something, that she didn’t previously take offence – that’s a sign your relationship is no longer healthy and can as well be a sign your wife doesn’t love you anymore.

Wife not loving her husband

4. She Doesn’t Want To Listen

Effective communication is vital to the overall health of any relationship. In a healthy marriage, the couple will do their best to hear each other out when one of them has a complaint. Nevertheless, when one spouse loses their feelings for the other, it’s common that they will stop actively listening to them.

You should always be there to listen to what your wife has to say and try to help her get through it; just as she should always be there for you in the same way. When she stops listening to you, it’s an indication she longer loves you as you may have thought.

Active listening is an element of effective communication – which are a crucial factor in maintaining any relationship. The bond between you will have no choice but break without effective communication and active listening, because the foundation upon which it stands has crumbled.

So to say, your wife stops listening to you is one of the signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore.

Wife doesn't make love with husband

5. She Isn’t Intimate With You

Right next to communication, intimacy is the glue that holds a marriage together. They are equally important, but physical intimacy is almost more important. Otherwise, you would essentially be in a platonic relationship – a relationship with a very good friend, instead of a lover.

Contrary to some myths about marriage, sex doesn’t stop when you get married. In marriage, sex gets better. There are no age limits for sex, you can have sex into your eighties and nineties as long as your health allows you to do so.

Having kids change things in a marriage and may put a damper on physical intimacy for a while, but if you notice that intercourse, cuddles or kissing stops altogether, it may be because your wife is no longer in love with you. Sex tends to stop when the emotional bond does.

Avoiding physical intimacy with you is one of the sure signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore if there are no other sexual problems involved.

Read Also: Why You Wife Keep Saying No To Sex

Happy lady

6. She Focuses On Herself

You and your wife should be allowed some level of independence in your relationship. Of course, you want your wife to focus on her life and her career. While you are partners, you are still two different individuals who need time to worry about themselves. On the other hand, if you notice that your wife is unexpectedly becoming worried about herself only, it could be a bad thing – a sign your wife doesn’t love you anymore.

In marriage, your focus should be on both you and your partners as well. This is to say being there for each other when needed, supporting one another when trying to accomplish something and as well give each other the necessary attention you need to do well in your lives.

When someone stops loving, they stop focusing on the other person due to a lack of connection between them. They will begin to focus only on themselves because they know that they will soon be on their own.

Selfishness in a relationship is often a sign that the relationship is no longer healthy.


7.  She Doesn’t Check On You

Clearly, things will change a few years into the marriage. Most likely, communication will reduce but it should never come to a complete standstill.

When you are in love with someone, you will have the urge to check on them and see how they are doing through their day-to-day activities.

If your wife no longer texts or calls you to check on you when you are gone for long periods of time, then you have reason to be worried – because it could be signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore.

Did your wife know you have an important presentation and didn’t check on you to see how it goes? Or do you have a project to defend but she didn’t call to see how it went?

If yes, those are signals that she has stopped loving you or she has discontinued caring about whatever is happening in your life.

Space is great in a relationship, but being too independent can damage the bond necessary to keep a relationship healthy.

Wife cheating on husband

8. She Cheats

One of the best ways to ascertain your wife doesn’t love you anymore is to watch out for the likely occurrence of the signs of infidelity in a woman.

A spouse sees no reason not to cheat on their partner once they’ve stopped loving them. Being in love will prevent anyone from cheating on the person they love. So if you find out that she is cheating on you, you can be that your wife doesn’t love you anymore.


9. She Takes Advantage Of You

In marriage, love is all about given and taking. Giving should not be one partner’s responsibility. It is a bad sign if you notice that your wife suddenly starts to take from you more than she is willing to give.

Equality is very important in any relationship; this means both parties doing their part. In contrast, if your wife doesn’t love you anymore, she may try to take advantage of you. When she put all the burden on you and stops doing her part, then it’s obvious that she no longer cares about stressing you out or making your life more difficult.


10. She Doesn’t Have Time For You

Being able to spend all the time with your best friend is one of the great benefits of being married. One of the worst signs of an unhealthy marriage is when your spouse stops making time for you.

It’s acceptable to feel worried if she starts making her work and friends a priority over you. That can possibly mean that she is trying to shun you.

You both lead separate lives, but when she chooses not to include you in hers at all it means that she doesn’t want to continue strengthening your bond.

Your wife doesn't love you anymore when she doesn't listen to you

11. She Doesn’t Want To Fix Anything

When you fall out of love with someone you don’t always want to take the time to fix what’s broken. You feel as if there’s no need to save it because you have already checked out of the relationship.

So if you notice that your wife is refusing to fix your marriage, when you make it apparent to her that something is wrong, then it may be time to accept she doesn’t want to make it better.

When you love someone, you continue to put all your best effort forth to make it work, not give up on it.


12. She Doesn’t Let You In

When you notice your wife building barricades around her emotions, it can be a bad sign she doesn’t love you anymore.

A record number of women are quite emotional creatures. Obviously, men can be, too. However, when a woman doesn’t want to let you in about what’s on her mind, it’s more of a critical sign than when a man does it.

You will know your wife doesn’t love you anymore if you notice she is denying you access to her world.

Has she stopped talking about her future? Does she avoid talking about what’s upsetting her? Has she suddenly built an emotional barrier between you?

Those are all signs that she doesn’t want to be in the marriage anymore.

13. She Stops Paying Attention

Naturally, women pay attention to things. They usually remember everything about their partner and family whether it’s a trivia event or an important one. However, you have a good reason to get worried if you notice she stop paying attention to vital things about you.

Being unable to do you a favour is one thing, but overlooking an important event or engagement that you’ve spoken about with her is a whole different thing. When she stops trying to remember important information you have mentioned, it’s clear that she has simply stopped caring.


14. She Suddenly Raised Her Expectations

Your wife most likely married you for who you are without any high or unrealistic expectations about you. You both made vows to accept one another for who you are when you got married. However, it’s a bad indication she no longer wants to be with you if she unexpectedly becomes irritated with something about you that you can’t easily change.


15. She Talks About Someone Else

One of the signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore that you should watch out for in your marriage is if another guy suddenly becomes the core of her conversations. It is a negative indication if she suddenly brings up ‘Mark from work’ or the ‘nice gym instructor. Even more so if you find it’s a topic being brought up continuously.

When she puts too much focus on someone else, outside of your marriage, it means that she isn’t thinking of you during these times.

Even worse is when she mistakenly calls you or others in the house by another guy’s name or she calls the guy’s name in her sleep. The worst among the signs a woman doesn’t love you anymore is when she accidentally calls you by another guy’s name when you are having physical intimacy.


It’s one of the signs of infidelity in women and equally a sign she may be starting relationships with others, because she is not interested in continuing yours. That doesn’t mean she can’t have a male friend here or there or she can’t talk about her colleagues. It’s only a negative sign if you notice she is obsessively talking about someone or spending time with them.

Watch this video to know more about the signs your wife doesn’t love you anymore

Wrap It Up!

Usually, changes occur in marriages especially if you’ve been married for a while. Stress due to work, having kids, health and social responsibilities are some of the reasons for changes in marriages.

While change is inevitable, most people are uncomfortable with the change and some changes can be harmful to the existence of the marriage. One of such changes men dread is when a woman falls out of love with a man.

In most cases, men do the usual things husbands do that destroy the marriage but instead of seeking ways to save the marriage they’d rather be looking for signs of infidelity in a woman to put the blames on the wife.

There are many reasons why your wife may not want physical intimacy with you and it is wise to deal with these issues first before you conclude it is over.


Editorial Team

The editorial team of Marriagement led by Simon Abolaji comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. If you want the best love advice and relationship tips, you can be rest assured that we have them for you.

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